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And meet me in my dreams tonight
Baby close your eyes and hold on tight
Sleep in my arms until the mornin' light
Meet me in my dreams tonight


Author's Pov

"But I don't know how he is going to react about the idea of me meeting with Mark personally...?" Y/n said while getting tensed which didn't go unnoticed by Chaerin.

"Don't worry Y/nnie , I think firstly you should talk to Mr V , he'll understand your situation. I am sure" Chaerin replied

"But how I am going to ask him ? You know what he did last time when I  met Mark, this time he'll kill him for sure..." Y/n said while getting panicked and afraid...

" Y/nnnie at least try, don't make your own assumptions and you need to clear all the misunderstandings between you and Mark too which happened that night otherwise everything will become more worse "

Y/n sighed and replied

"I think you are right, I'll talk to him and then I am going to meet Mark and sort all things between us ".

Chaerin nodded at Y/n hearing her


" V Jhope Hyung called and told that the deal is done with the Kang's" Jungkook said to Taehyung who was checking some documents.


"But there's one problem" Jungkook stated a little hesitated gaining Taehyung's attention towards him.


"Your cousin Mingyu came back to Korea again after 2 years and wants to meet you" Jungkook replied making Taehyung to arched his brow.

"Hmmm is that so? I also wanted to pay a little visit to my dear cousin.
After all I should reward him a little for playing his double game with me" He smirked 

A grin appeared on Jungkook's face knowing what he actually meant by that

"Okay then I'll fix your meeting with him tonight" Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded

Then they heard a knock on the door which gained their attention towards it.

They both glanced at the door and then Jungkook turned towards Taehyung which made him to nod at Jungkook and replied

"Come in..."

Then they saw the door got opened slowly and Y/n entered the room followed by Chaerin  .

Taehyung looked at Y/n a little confused when he found her standing there with a nervous reaction because she was chewing her lower lip while looking down and he was familiar with her that habit very well.

"What happened Doll? " He asked looking at her.

"Ummm... Actually I want to talk to you about something" Y/n replied still looking down to the floor  .

He nodded at Jungkook and Jungkook understood it was his cue to leave.

"Ok then I'll make the arrangements for your tonight's meeting" He replied and then started to take his steps in order to leave but stopped when he saw Chaerin still standing there behind Y/n .

He walked towards her and held her arm and uttered

"Let's go and give them some privacy. "

"But.." Chaerin tried to speak something but before she could have completed her sentence, he dragged her out with him of the room..

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now