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Boy, you got me helpless
Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit
I'm helpless
Down for the count, and I'm drownin' in 'em


Author's pov

Y/n felt like that the land slipped under her feet where as her heart beat accelerated.

Her eyes widened where as panic started to rise in her by seeing the person standing in front of her who was staring at her shocked little self with his soul shivering gloomy gaze and a little glimpse of amusement was evident on his cold eyes which made her eyes more widened.

She immediately dropped her gaze down as soon as her eyes met with his and she spoke in almost inaudible voice.

"I....I am sorry , I thought you are someone else...

I am sorry". Y/n said bowing to him while gulping hard in nervousness and didn't dare to look him in his eyes.

Until she heard someone else's voice

" Hello miss Y/n ". Jungkook said who was standing behind him making her to slowly took her head upward.

"Hello.." Y/n replied bowing without looking at a certain someone earning a sweet smile from Jungkook.

"V ....I will go and inform Mr Min that We are here". Jungkook said to him

Who just nodded at Jungkook without talking his eyes away from her for a single second making her to afraid till her core feeling his darken gaze on her.

With that Jungkook left making Y/n standing alone with him on Suga's office room.

Y/n saw Jungkook's disappearing figure and how she wished that someone else too would have left with Jungkook from there but her hope ran out of the window when she  saw foot steps coming closer towards her direction.

She averted her gaze towards the owner of those foot steps and her breathing hitched when she found him coming nearer to her with an amused tiny smirk on his face .

She gulped hard her saliva watching his grin and again looked down and started taking her steps back with his each growing step nearer to her.

He stopped on his tracks when he saw her taking her steps back and stood at his place maintaining a safe distance between them.


A shiver ran down her spine when she heard that deep and husky voice of his and involuntarily her heart started beating more faster hearing him.

"He...hello..." Y/n said swallowing a lump in her throat while still looking down to the floor.


She got goosebumps hearing the deep intensity of his voice and without even looking she already knew that he was staring at her ,quivering her soul.

"You know I don't like surprises

But this was the second most beautiful surprise of my life" He spoke making her a little confused with his words and Y/n found a little softness in his harsh and deep voice but she still didn't look upward towards him.

"Ummmm...actually I was waiting for my Oppa, I thought you were him" Y/n replied politely..

But her breathing halted when she found him taking a couple of steps more nearer to her making her to slowly took her head upward and looked at him.

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