💜Killed Myself💜

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And just how much I've hurt you, it's hard to tell
This is not some cry for help
It's goodbye, I wish you well
Because I love you I'm gonna kill myself


Author's Pov

"I'll save her from you...."

Hearing that voice ,Taehyung's whole body turned numb.

He looked towards the owner of that voice and his chest tightened watching his one and only weakness, his one and only happiness

His Forbidden Doll standing at his door with her redden glossy eyes and completely shattered state.

His chest felt a pang watching her broken teary eyes staring back at his empty and shocked one and he felt like someone stabbed a dagger inside his soul watching those beautiful doe eyes to filled with only one thing PAIN. ... which he had been terrified to even witness through out his life..

"Y/n...please save me ....save me from him..please help me"

Irene's begging voice took Taehyung out of his painful trance which made him to averted his darken gaze towards Irene.

His whole body s filled with more rage and wrath, he digged his nails so harshly on his palms that his knuckles turned white.

He clenched his jaw tightly while gawking at her with fury because he thought she was responsible for all of that,for his Doll's painful tears .

Unable to control his anger, he marched towards Irene and pointed his gun at her.

Irene's eyes widened with horror and her whole body filled with more fear.
Her blood ran cold watching her death so nearer to her, she thought that was her end and because of fear of her death, she closed her eyes tightly and waited for that demon to takr out her soul from her body because she knew nobody could fight and stood against him

But she immediately opened her eyes when she didn't feel any pain in her body and didn't hear his gun shooting.

And saw a figure standing between her and  her Death which made her bewildered


Irene heard that person speaking standing in front of Taehyung...

"Y/n what the hell you are doing move ?"  Chaerin's yelled with tears while running inside, followed by Sehun panicking.

" Y/n....move away " Jungkook said with widened eyes who was also present at that room.

But Y/n didn't listen to them and continued to stand between him and Irene

She looked at his fury and raging eyes with her own teary hurting one.

"Shoot Kim Taehyung.." She again uttered looking straight at his burning eyes.

He didn't reply and continued to stare back at  her without feeling even for once.

"Princess.... !"

Suga gasped  entering into the Hall followed by Jimin whose eyes broadened with shock watching the scenario in front of him

"What you are doing here ? Move ...." Suga yelled while panicking

"Move angel.." Jimin shouted.

"Princess please move please I am begging you" Suga pleaded

"No..." She statesdwhile continued to look at that Demon.

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now