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When it comes to you
There's no crime
Let's take both of our souls
And intertwine
When it comes to you
Don't be blind
Watch me speak from my heart
When it comes to you


Author's Pov

Y/n's eyes widened with shock and fear where as she felt like someone harshly snatched out her heart from her chest watching the scenario in front of her swollen red eyes.

Her whole body started to quiver where as her breathing rate halted when she found her biggest nightmare becoming true. Tears automatically started to shed from her eyes making her whole face red due to her continuous crying watching his hands covered with blood.

But her breathing got stucked in her throat while her blood got frozen when his puffy red eyes met with her. Y/n's whole body shivered and lose its strength when his gaze averted towards her broken one and she felt like her soul quivered inside her body by watching how much pain and hurt his now completely shattered eyes were holding.

Those eyes which once used to reek of only one thing that was the emptiness of darkness but now they got completely ruined and wrecked and were looking painfully broken.

He stared at her like there was no life left in his body , he looked at her eyes with no hope but only pain, extreme amount of pain which he was suffering from inside.

Y/n just gaped into his eyes immensely but her heart sting terribly when she saw a tear to escaped from his eyes and she could feel that he was looking at her like for the last time making Y/n's heart shattered into million pieces.

More tears started to fall from her eyes when she saw his painful broken eyes shed a tear again. He looked at her face and then averted his gaze towards his hands which was bleeding continuously and badly but he was not capable of feeling that pain because his physical pain was nothing as compared to the pain,he was feeling from inside...

His internal pain made his every outer feeling and emotion numb, deadly numb.

He again averted his gaze towards her who was staring at his wound with her shattering hurt eyes while tears continued to fall from them..

Y/n gazed at his bleeding palm and then closed her eyes tightly because she wasn't capable of watching it and then she gulped the painful lump in her throat while clutching her dress.

She stormed towards him and then kneeled in front of him and picked up his bleeding hand in her palms softly while tears continued to shed from her eyes making it to look like she was feeling his pain.

She forcefully torn a small part of her white frock and tried to clean his wound with that but her heart got broken completely when he snatched back his hand from her hold.

Y/n looked towards him who was staring at her while his eyes fall one more tear again making her whole body clenched, she gulped hard and then again grabbed his hand softly and placed it on her lap and again started cleaning it and he just continued to stare at her without uttering a single word to eachother .

She then covered his wound with her torn cloth part and looked upward slowly at his eyes and found him already gazing at her and their eyes locked, it looked like the time around them got frozen and they completely got lost in each other's eyes

They continued to stare at each other speaking everything which their mouth was not capable of uttering until he again snatched his hand from her grip breaking their painful dilemma.

Y/n looked at him a little confused when he looked towards his banded hand but her eyes widened when he tried to take out that cloth from his wound forcefully.

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