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This chapter is dedicated to you sweetie Das337

Tell me how we're not alike
You can call it fire and ice
'Cause we work so well and we don't even know why•


Author's Pov

"Hey Y/n are you excited for tonight's party? " Chaerin said getting excited on the phone call..

"Hmmm. I don't even want to go there" Y/n replied.

"But why Y/nnnie"? Chaerin asked.

" You know the reason Chaerin "

Chaerin sighed at her response.

"Y/n I told you before and I am telling you again, stop bothering yourself because of him"

"But Chaerin I...."

"Y/n try to understand if he is happy with her then show him that you too are happy without him.

Show him that he doesn't worth you" Chaerin spoke making Y/n to suspired as her eyes turned glossy.

"But it hurts Chaerin watching him with someone else, it hurts really bad"

"I know Y/nnnie, he hurted your beautiful heart that's why I am saying he doesn't deserve you. He is really a b#tch" Chaerin spat getting angry.

"No it's not his fault Chaerin ,it's me who is responsible for my pain

He never said that he likes me or something like that, he just wanted my safety but my dumb heart started to think his protectiveness as care or even more than that" Y/n said while tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Ssh Y/nnnie don't cry, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself for his actions .The only person who is responsible for all of this is him, that Mr Kim Trashyhyung" Chaerin uttered biting her inner cheek angrily

Y/n didn't reply, she just silently shedded her tears  while thinking about him.

"He was the one who gave you hopes but later on decided to confess his feelings to that Irene" Chaerin snapped

Y/n just sobbed listening to her words.

"Ssssh... Calm down Y/nnnie, don't hurt yourself for that pathetic cheating a#s

You don't need that devil, you worth better than him and don't worry my Y/nnnie . I am going to be always with you, now stop crying please for my sake please" Chaerin said pleadingly

Y/n calmed down a little hearing her, she then just sighed heavily and replied

"Thank you Chaerin"

"Shut up Y/nnnie I will beat your pretty little a#s if you again said thank you to me" Chaerin said with a cute angry voice.

Y/n smiled a little hearing her naive threat..

"Now go and started to prepare yourself for the party

Tonight we are going to make this night the best and most memorable night of your life"

"Umm... Okay Chaerinaah." Y/n replied with a smile hearing Chaerin's enthusiastic voice.

"Bye..." Chaerin said

"Bye " Y/n replied thenn hung up the call...

Y/n just sighed heavily and closed her eyes

"I just want this night to get over with as soon as possible..."

Time Skip To Evening

"Y/n dear are you... Oh my God " Maria said getting speechless by seeing her standing in front of her

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