💜 Wedding Night💜

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I'll let you set the pace
'Cause I'm not thinking straight
My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more
What are you waiting for?•


Author's Pov

"Y/nnie what happened...? " Chaerin asked looking at Y/n who was chewing on her nails.

She didn't reply and continued to lost in her own thoughts. .

"Y/nnnie I am talking to you " Chaerin annoyingly said patting Y/n's shoulder making her to shrugged her shoulders and looked at her.

"Umm.. Yeah... " Y/n asked a little hesitated

"What happened, what are you thinking? "

Y/n's facial expression got more tensed hearing her question

"Girl will you tell me what's bothering you now? Why you are looking so tensed...? "

Y/n looked at Chaerin with her nervous eyes and gulped hardly

"Chaerinaah... "

"Yeah... My Y/nnnie..."

"I... I... I.. "

"Baby we don't have the whole night for your I... I.. " Chaerin frowned looking at Y/n but Chaerin's next words made Y/n's eyes widened

"Because your handsome husband will be here soon for your first wedding night... " Chaerin winked mischeaviously making Y/n bewildered where as her heart started beating with the speed of a bullet train.

"Y/nnnie..stop panicking... It's not that you are first time going.. "

"No Chaerinnah! it's the problem ,that I already know what's going to happen... Umm... Tonight... " Y/n replied slightly nibbling on her lower lip

A devilish smirk appeared on Chaerin's face hearing her words.

"Oh.. So you are afraid about the fact that how much tired you are going to be tonight.... ?" She smirked making
Y/n's gaze more widened with fear..

"But don't worry ,it is he who is going to work hard and a little rough may be, you just need to enjoy... "

"Shut up Chaerinaah.. It's not time for your nasty jokes... " Y/n frowned.

" Then what now.. ? "

"I am just nervous... As hell.... And I don't even know why? "

"But why.. ? "

"As I told you Ms. Lee Chaerin ,I don't know why... But even if I tell you, you won't understand , you will understand this that day when you will marry Jungkook.. No sorry not day but night... "

Chaerin's cheeks got a beautiful pink color hearing Y/n's words

"Look... Just by thinking about it, you are blushing like a tomato, think what I must have feeling now... " Y/n uttered while biting her lower lip in extreme tension.

Chaerin sighed heavily watching Y/n's reaction.

"And now my throat even become completely dry... Argh.. " She said getting annoyed and nervous at the same time

But listening to Y/n's words, Chaerin's dangerous mind stroke a devilish idea...

"Where's the water...? " Y/n asked searching for water in the room.

Chaerin immediately got up from the bed and spoke..

"Ummmm.... Y/nnnie wait I will get something for you to drink... "

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