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This chapter is dedicated to my
Two precious readers howareyou92 & MalikaRatt

Rap it up and let's go rolling down
There's no funnier duo in this town
Just want to say I'm better now and shout it loud
I just want to be hugging you tonight


Author's pov

Y/n was crying hardly, tears were dropping from her eyes continuously. She was looking like a child who was afraid of seeing the monster standing in front of her as her grip tightened around her knees.

His chest clenched seeing her that vulnerable state. He never wanted to hurt her in any way but he knew that he did .

He walked towards her and then kneeled down in front of her.

"Doll.." He said with a low and soft voice.

Y/n didn't reply, she just hugged her knees more tightly with out looking at him.

He touched her shoulder softly  making her body to shivered with his touch, she instantly shrugged off her shoulder in order to removed his hand.


"Leave me alone.. " Y/n stuttered while shaking uncontrollably.

He felt a sting in his chest hearing her words.

"At least listen to me.." He said with his deep yet calm voice but she still didn't reply and neither took her eyes upward.

He tried to touch her shoulder again but she suddenly pushed his hand away and shouted

"I said leave me alone.." Y/n said shrugging off his hand and tried to get up for walking away from him.

But she stopped when he caught her hand in his ,stopping her from taking further step.

"I said .. "

He stopped her in the middle of her sentence by pulling her towards his chest and hugged her tightly.

His one hand snaked around her waist while the other one went to her head holding her body tightly in his embrace.

Y/n struggled in his arms, she tried to push him away forcefully several times but badly failed in her all attempts

He didn't even bulge from his place on the other hand he hugged her more tightly burying his head in her neck.

Y/n started to take deep breathes feeling his face touching on her neck.
She closed her eyes tightly as she didn't know what to do anymore because even after all of that,his warmth was soothing her pain which now she started needing .

"I am sorry Doll, I didn't mean to hurt you in any way"  He said softly in her ears making Y/n to opened her eyes slowly because of the sudden contact of his lips on her earlobes..

She didn't utter a single a word, at that point she even stopped struggling in his arms.

She was standing there just like a statue while her tears continued to fall down from her eyes.

"Please say something Doll, if you want to shout at me just shout but please just don't kept quiet" He pleaded

He never pleaded in front of anybody ,he never even spoke to someone respectfully.

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