💜Her Faith💜

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Cause I lost my faith
So I cut away the pain,
Got it swimming in my veins
Now my mind is outta place, yeah, uh
'Cause I lost my faith


Author's Pov

Y/n stormed out of that hall room while crying and walking towards an unknown direction.

On the other hand, Jay saw her leaving the penthouse and running somewhere.

He then understood that what might have happened inside so he decided to call a certain person.


"Mr Kim...." Jay replied.

"Sir I wanted to inform you that something happened toady and I think Mr V is not at his good state" Jay said on the call.

"What do you mean not at his good state? Does something happen to Y/n? Where he is and where are you? " That person asked restlessly.

"Sir I am outside at Mr V's penthouse and I saw Mr Min ,Mr Park ,Mr Jungkook leaving with Ms. Y/n's friend including Ms. Irene and Sehun"

"What? He let Irene to go and what's that Sehun was doing there? "

"I don't know sir but I have just seen Ms. Y/n leaving alone while crying and running towards an unknown direction....." Jay said

"What? She was crying? Go follow her and make sure that she is safe " He stated

"Okay Sir" Jay replied

"And I am coming there but I first need to call Suga and find out what had happened there? " He said

"Yes sir I will follow her"

"Yeah Go"

With that ,he cutted the call and Jay started to follow Y/n...

After 20 Minutes

Someone came inside the penthouse and his eyes widened with shock

watching Taehyung on his knees while looking at the door like a breathing dead body..

"Tae...... "

Namjoon gasped watching Taehyung at that state, he ran towards him

"Tae what happened? " He asked kneeling beside him while placing his hand around his shoulder.

But he didn't get his reply because Taehyung ust continued to stare at the door.

Namjoon panicked watching him like that for the first time in his life. He had never seen him that much broken in his whole life , he had never even watched him showing any kind of emotion except anger properly but that day he was looking vulnerable and completely shattered..

And witnessing his that state made his  chest to felt a pang.

"Tae...tell me what happened please just tell me? " Namjoon said panicking..

"She left me Hyung....."

Namjoon heard him uttering like a soulless person where as his gaze never darted from that door.

"My doll left me. I killed her , I myself hurted her so much that she left me, she left me alone.

I couldn't stop her this time. I become alone once again...."

He stated without even blinking for once which made Namjoon to sighed because he knew Taehyung more than anyone and he knew that how even a little bit thing about Y/n effected Taehyung immensely.. Because he knew that Taehyung considered Y/n his everything, a far more than just a mere obsession or possession... She was his soul..

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now