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Right before I close my eyes
The only thing that's on my mind
Been dreamin' that you feel it too
I wonder what it's like to be loved by you


Author's Pov

Y/n was sitting on her bed while thinking about her whole day of school specially the new trustee incident until she heard a knock on her door .

"Princess ....?"

"Come in Oppa... "

She replied and then Suga came inside her room with a beautiful smile on his face.

" Hey princess how was your day? " . He asked her while giving her a soft hug.

"Fine ...what about yours day Oppa? ".She asked  smiling while hugging him back.

He slightly pulled back and then ruffled her hairs gently.

" A little tired princess ".

She just beamed watching his smiling face which she considered the most beautiful thing to watch above everything. .

But then her mind suddenly started to fill with something and that time she decided to ask him because she knew that he somehow must had all her answers .

" Oppa can I ask you something ?". She said a little hesitated and his brows arched in confusion hearing her

" Yes Princess, you don't need permission for that..now tell me what happened..?". He said getting tensed a little which didn't go unnoticed by her.

" No Oppa there is nothing to get worried about ". She spoke trying to eased him by shrugging her head with a smile.

"It just your friend Mr V, he came to our school today and now he is the new trustee of our school..".

And she noticed his entire facial expression to changed hearing her words which he immediately brushed off and stated.

" I ....I don't know anything about it princess .May be it just a coincidence". He replied but she could feel  little uncomfortableness on his voice which made her befuddled but then she decided to drop that conversation because she thought she was giving way too much attention to something which might even not have any existence .

" Ummm...ok Oppa.." She said smiling and then saw his face to also calmed a little by watching her reaction.

"By the way... I got full marks in my English test, my teacher praised me in front of the whole class for that.. "

His smile widened hearing her and watching her grinning. He patted her head

"I am proud of you... "

He said but then suddenly his phone started ringing which made him to took out it from his pocket and Y/n could see that again his face wore that tensed expression by looking at that caller I'd..

" Princess I have to take this call I will talk to you tomorrow morning ok good night ...sweet dreams". He said pecking her forehead and then got up.

" Good night Oppa ". She replied with a smile making him to nod and then he left after closing the door behind him.

I saw his disappearing figure and then the door to got shut and that evening she found something  unusual about his behavior which she had never seen in him .

But again why everything was started turning and feeling so off all of a sudden, she thought but she shrugged them away and mentally scoffed..

"I am thinking way too much about all of this... " She spoke to herself and then pulled the duvet over her body and placed her head on the pillow and  hugged her teddy bear tightly .

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