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What I want now What I need is What I’m thinking What I’m feeling I’m’a leave a mark


Author's Pov

Y/n ran to her room and then locked the door. Her legs started to tremble which made her fell on her knees thinking about what had just happened  and what could have  happened if his phone didn't ring.

Y/n placed her hand on her heart which was feeling like was beating at the speed of a bullet train.

"Y/n calm down

She said to herself while trying to control her fast breathing.

"Oh my God what I just did and what could have happened if his phone  ..

Oh... No.. No... No"

Her eyes widened thinking about the possibilities if they were not get interrupted.

She gulped and then felt a slight burning sensation on a certain part on her neck . She placed her palm over it and hissed softly feeling the sting.

She immediately ran towards the mirror in order to check it .

And her eyes bewildered seeing a little pinkish red mark on her neck.

"Oh my... Love bite"

At that point, her eyes became so wide that they look they were going to come out from her sockets.

"How am I going to face him after this? " Y/n said to herself burying her face into her palms because of embarassment

"Oh God why ..why my heart betrays me when I am around him why?"

Y/n said touching her mark once again

She flinched while touching it and made a cute pout and said

"You are really very bad Mr KIM TAEHYUNG..."

Next day

Taehyung and Irene were sitting at the dinning table where as Maria was serving them their breakfast.

"Thank you and where is Y/n? " Irene asked to Maria with a smile on her face.

"I  am here yunnie" Y/n said entering into the hall

With a beautiful smile , shoving  her one hand into her pocket cutely .

But she immediately took out her hand and stood stir seeing him sitting at his chair who was looking at her with his cold yet mesmerizing eyes.

She gulped hard nervously and her mind again started to fill with all those images of her and him at the balcony.

"Hey Y/n baby, come here and sit with me" Irene said with a smiling face taking Y/n out of her thoughts.

"Ummmm... Yeah.. " Y/n replied and took her steps towards the table.

She sat beside Irene, opposite to him and didn't dare to look at him and started to eat her breakfast completely silent until.

"Y/n..." Irene said

"Ummmm...Yes" She replied taking her gaze at Irene

"What you are going to do today?" 

"Nothing special, I will do my studies, then eat and then sleep because its a weekend and I have my school off" Y/n replied cutely beaming.

"Oh okay.." 

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