💜His Forbidden Doll💜

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Author's Pov

His heart got completely stopped whereas his blood ran cold watching the person, his love standing in front of him

and his whole existence shivered hearing her words.


Taehyung just looked at Taesa's beautiful smiling face like a statue where as he felt like his feet got glued to the floor... Then his bewildered shocked gaze averted towards the person standing beside her.

He looked straight at her doe eyes making a shiver ran down her spine where as Y/n's heart started to beat faster with fear, fear of her past... And her whole face started to become pale where as worry and fear washed over her.

He continued to stare at her eyes, locking his gaze with her and his heart clenched when he found extreme amount of fear and pain in his Doll's beautiful eyes.. And both of their eyes reflected their whole painful past which they both had to suffered.

Y/n's eyes became glossy where as Taehyung's heart became heavy remembering their painful past

"Daddy.... "

The voice took both of them out of their painful dilemma... He averted his gaze from Y/n to towards the owner of that voice and found  his little Taesa almost on the verge of tearing up...

His heart shattered watching his love's glossy eyes, he slowly walked towards her making everyone gasped present inside the hall where as Y/n's heart started to beat 100 times faster with his each step.

He walked towards her and looked down straight at Taesa's baby glossy eyes..

"Daddy Taesa is sorry... That she lied to you... " Taesa stated with an inaudible voice, holding her ears while looking down to the floor

He gaped at her hung head and said sternly

"Look at me... "

But she didn't look towards him and continued to stare at the floor and
Y/n's whole body trembled hearing his voice and words

"I said look at me... " He said a little loud making Y/n froze at her place where as the little girl to immediately looked upward towards his face with her glossy eyes..

Shinning little tears started to drop from her big doe eyes hearing his words and her body started to quiver.

"Da.. Daddy... Taesa is. .
Sorry.. She.. J.. Just wanted to.. Celebrate.. H. Her. Birthday.. With.. Your.. Birthday... Daddy..." Taesa stated with her shaky soft voice while shedding tears from her eyes making her whole face wet and nose red..

Y/n's eyes also started to fall hot tears watching her tears, she started to take her steps towards them but stopped and her whole heart stopped when she saw him to kneeled down in front of Taesa

Taehyung completely kneeled down to her face level and then cupped her soft little face gently and wiped her tears with his thumbs softly...

Then he immediately hugged the little figure in his arms a little tightly and closed his eyes..

"Thank you.. Thank you so much my love.. Thank you so much for all of this  . " He said while a lone tear escaped from his closed eyes making everyone's heart clenched where as
Y/n's heart became more heavy and more tears started to shed from her eyes. .

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now