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Please don't leave me here
I don't know where I started
Please don't leave me here
I don't know where my heart is


Author's Pov




Chaerin uttered getting panicked looking at Y/n's trembling and sweating body who just woke up from her sleep ,screaming his name.

"Y/n what happened? Tell me tell me baby what's wrong? " Chaerin asked worriedly caging Y/n's body in her embrace.

"N.. No..No He .. He He is Dead. He.. He... He.. Killed himself, No... He.. Killed himself because of me... No.. No..

TAEHYUNG...." Y/n screamed out of her lungs while trembling uncontrollably and trying to snatch herself from Chaerin's embrace..

"What..? No.. No.. Y/nnie, it just a nightmare  " Chaerin said hugging her tightly

Y/n struggled in her embrace forcefully, she  forcefully tried to push her away

"No.. No.. Let me go.. I saw him dying in front of me.. He killed himself because of me... I.. I.. Killed him.. No.. No.. No...

Let me go .......

TAEHYUNG" She again screamed his name while chocking on her tears

"Princess... "

Suga gasped entering into her room in a hurry and his heart rate halted watching her state..

"Let.. Me go.. Chaerin.. I killed him.. I need to see him.. I need to be with him.. Leave me ... Leave me.. He needs me...

Taehyung....no...he is dead..." Y/n yelled struggling in her embrace while crying more harder and harder.

Suga stormed towards her and then Chaerin loosen her grip watching him sitting besides them and Y/n tried to get up but Suga pulled her towards him and cupped her cheeks

"Look at me my princess look at me please" Suga spoke on the verge of tearing up.

"No.. No.. Let me go.. I killed him.. He needs me.. Let me go.. No.. "

She chanted and tried to remove his hands but then Suga placed her head on his chest and hugged her tightly

"No.. My princess it's just a nightmare, please calm down please believe me believe your Oppa please" He said while tears started to form in his own eyes

Y/n stopped struggling in his embrace and then clutched his shirt tightly.

"No... Oppa I saw him dying in front of my eyes, I killed him, I killed my everything, I killed him..Oppa I killed him... " Y/n stated sobbing harder on his chest.

"Ssssh.. Calm down my princess, it was just a nightmare a very bad nightmare, you didn't kill him, Calm down please, please my princess" He replied while tears started to fall from his eyes watching and listening to her broken state.

Chaerin's eyes also shedded tears when she saw both of their broken states, she couldn't capable of watching her on that state so she stormed out of the room giving them some privacy.

"Nothing happened to him, he is fine " Suga said during the hug

Y/n slightly broke the hug and said with tears

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