💜His Eyes💜

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• There Was A Man So Cold, No Life Was In His Eyes
He Had A Look So Hard, I'd Never Seen Him Smile •


Author's Pov

"What are you thinking Y/n ?" Chaerin asked to Y/n who seemed lost in her own thoughts.

She shrugged her shoulders and looked at Chaerin who was gazing at her confusingly.

"Since we came here you seems really very lost and disturbed. What happen? "

Y/n sighed hearing her words.

"I don't know Chaerinaah..something is not right here. I feel like I .....I can't describe what I am feeling, it's like someone is watching but......Argh.....I hate this feeling it makes me too much uncomfortable. " Y/n replied a little annoyed thinking about her that uncertain feeling which she still was getting.

"Y/nnie it's probably just your illusion and you're thinking too much. Ofcourse everybody is going to look at you, it's your birthday after all and you are looking so pretty may be that's why they are looking at you so stop worrying." Chaerin said while sipping her juice making Y/n to exhaled a deep breath.

"I think you are right....Maybe I am just being a paranoid. " Y/n replied with a small smile on her face.

"Yes that's like my good birthday girl and now let's enjoy tonight is yours so just celebrate it without worrying about anything Y/nnie.." Chaerin cheerfully spoke with a big smile on her face making Y/n chuckled.

"Yeah...yeah...." Y/n giggled cutely until she heard a voice

"So angel are you enjoying your birthday party? "

" Yes Jiminie . Thank you so much for this beautiful party and the decorations is so beautiful . " Y/n replied smiling making him to beamed.

"I know the birthday party is beautiful but not more beautiful than our birthday girl. "

Y/n tittered at his words making him to chuckled.

"Seriously my Angel you're looking so adorably beautiful... "

"Thank you and you too are looking so so so beautiful and handsome Jiminie...."Y/n replied while cutely winking at Jimin making him to laughed.

"I know I know I am very handsome but still thanks for the compliment. " Jimin said while patting his own shoulder in proud trying to teased her making her to arched her brows.

"Yeah here comes our arrogant and pabo Jiminie". Y/n said showing her tongue to Jimin cutely making him to chuckled.

They both started laughing when suddenly Suga came and said.

"Princess some of my friends want to meet and wish you ."

" Oh......of course Oppa let's go and greet your friends ."

"Yeah...let's go" Suga said weakly smiling and then looked Jimin who understood that about whom Suga was talking. Jimin nodded at Suga..

"Let's go Oppa.. "

Y/n said a little curious and excited making Suga to nodded at her and then they left from that place.

Y/N's Pov

I followed my Oppa and Jiminie a little excited to watch and meet Oppa's friends and then saw a couple of men standing there while looking at our direction. We reached to them and then

"Happy birthday Ms. Min. " A tall guy said to me with a soft smile on his face.

"Thank you very much" I replied bowing to him.

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