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Tell me you want me
Speechless and I’m shaking
Tell me you need me
You better believe me when I say that you are my weakness
You are my weakness and you get me every time


Author's Pov

Next Morning

Y/n shifted in the bed and with a smile she placed her hand beside her to touch and feel her everything but instead of touching his warm body, she found herself touching the cold mattress of the bed. She slowly opened her eyes and a little disappointment filled in her eyes when she found the place beside her  empty.

Her heart felt a little sting because she wanted to wake up in his warm embrace but he was not there beside her. She cutely made an annoyed pout until her phone started ringing taking her out of her thoughts.

And a smile crept on her face watching the caller I'd, she immediately picked it up and said

"Hello.. "

"Did you sleep well my Doll.? "

A blush appeared on her cheeks hearing his deep husky voice

"Umm... Yeah.. " She replied.

"Hmmm... So are you missing me? "

Y/n's heart beat accelerated hearing his question. But she immediately brushed off her thoughts and replied

"Umm.. N.. No why would I miss you? " She lied making him chuckled.

"Hmm...so  now my Doll started lying to me, very bad? " He said with a chuckle making her frowned.

"Um... I am not lying "She replied nibbling on her lower lip.

"Hmm... Then why are you biting your lips my Doll? " He said making Y/n's eyes widened, she immediately stopped biting her lips and started to look around if he was present there.

He chuckled and said

"Stop looking here and there Doll, I am not there".

" Then how do you know what I am doing ?" She asked in shock.

He laughed and replied

"Because I have magical powers"

She cutely pouted at his remark and said
"Stop making fun of me and tell me where are you? "

"Why? Why would you want to know? I thought you didn't miss me"

" Fine I am missing you where are you? " She asked getting annoyed.

He chuckled at her response and replied.

"Hmmm... So you finally my Doll gave up again" 

He stressed on the word again making her heart beat faster realising  about what he actually meant by that.

" You..."

"Ok ok sorry my Doll,I didn't want to leave you there alone but I have to urgently met someone with Jungkook but I'll back in  an hour so you go and get freshen up".

" Oh.... But what I am going to wear now because last night you again ruined my dress" She cutely frowned making him laughed.

" Kim Taehyung stop laughing. I am serious, you should stop fighting with my outfits " Y/n snapped at him angrily.

"Then I guess you have to stop defying me because ever time you'll defy me I need to punish you and then.... "

"Stop I get it " She said blushing hardly and getting embarassed making him to chuckled again

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now