💜Say You Love Me💜

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Say you love me to my face
I need it more than your embrace
Just say you want me, that's all it takes
Heart's getting torn from your mistakes...


Author's Pov

"I Love You My Doll.. "

Y/n's breathing rate accelerated where as she felt like her heart stop beating completely hearing his words, she immediately turned towards him and looked at him with widened shocked eyes. ..

"Wh... What di.. Did you s.. Say..? " She stuttered looking at him bewildered while her blood ran cold.

He smiled looking at her shocked big eyes and cupped her face gently.

"You heard me my Doll, I love you. This Kim Taehyung loves you more than him own self.... " He said softly pecking her forehead making her blinked her eyes twice in utmost shock.

"And I am no more afraid of accepting my feelings for you.. I love you ,I love you more than anything and anyone My Doll" He stated looking straight at her eyes making them more glossy than they already were.

Y/n bursted out in tears and hugged him tightly as tightly as she could.

"Y... You.. You... Lo.. Love..
M.. Me. .! " Y/n stammered in his embrace while holding him tightly as like she was holding her biggest dream.

"Yes my Doll I love you... "

Y/n broke the hug and pressed her lips against his capturing them into a soft beautiful kiss

While wrapping her arms around his
head and whispered during the kiss

"I love you too. I love you so much. .. "

Hearing her words, he grabbed her waist and turned her around and slammed her against the wall while kissing her deeply and passionately

They kissed devouring every inch of each other where as melting in one another's embrace.

Tears escaped Y/n's eyes feeling his touch making Taehyung to broke the kiss slowly and looked at her alluring doe and teary eyes which were still falling tears.

He cupped her face with his both hands and then wiped her tears with his thumb and connected their foreheads and closed his own eyes.

But he slowly opened his eyes when he heard her soft shivering voice

"It... It.. H.. Hurts.. "She said shedding her silent tears from her eyes making his heart to clenched.

She slowly opened her eyelids and looked at his oceanic dark eyes which were looking broken as much as hers.

"Pl... Please t.. Take m... My... A.. All p.. Pain.. Away.... Please... "

His heart completely shattered hearing her words, he pulled her tightly towards him and again kissed her but that time a little roughly and deep making Y/n clutched his hairs tightly.

A shiver ran down her when he picked her up and wrapped her legs around his torso and walked towards his bed.

He laid her down on his bed without breaking the kiss. They kissed each other in complete need , need for forgetting each other's every pain.

Y/n's breathing rate increased when his lips started to travelling down from her lips to her neck, he kissed her neck and softly nibbled her most sensitive part on her neck making her to gasped and clutched his hairs more tightly.

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now