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All wrapped in one he was so many sins
Would have done anything, everything for him


Author's Pov

"How dare you f#cking touch whats mine? " Taehyung roared gawking at Mark with his burning eyes, who was laying on the floor while blood was dripping from his mouth.

Y/n gasped watching his sinister side, her body started to shake while her heart and mind completely became blank.

She looked at him terrified, her blood ran cold watching his burning gloomy eyes.

Those eyes which never showed any kind of emotion, those eyes everyone was afraid of except her because she knew that he would never hurt her but that night even she got  afraid of them infact she was terrified of them.

"Mr V, what's are... " Mark said trying to get up from the ground but was not able to complete his sentence because he again punched him hardly on his face.

Y/n's eyes widened  with shock and horror, she tried to say something but stopped when she heard him groaning with his utmost deep and dangerously low voice..

"I'll show you, what I do to those who tries to mess with what's mine , you f#cker...." He spat clenching his jaw tightly and then grabbed Mark's collar roughly and dragged him inside the party.

Panic started to rise in Y/n, her body started to quiver watching him dragging Mark so roughly, she also followed them with her trembling steps.

Everyone gasped and felt shocked when Taehyung threw Mark on the floor forcefully.

And then hovered over him and started punching him aggressively.

Everyone present there became terrified watching that sinner in his most worst form.

"How dare you touch her? " He groaned and again punched him hard on his abdominal.

A large amount of blood came out of Mark's mouth with his abrupt punch

Y/n reached there with her shaky body and Jimin, Jungkook and Suga understood everything what was happening there.

Suga and Jungkook tried to snatch Taehyung away from Mark but they got failed in controlling the beast inside him.

"You touch her with these hands of yours right? " Taehyung spat making Mark's half conscious body stand by grabbing his arm and then twisted it forcefully.

A painful groan escaped from Mark's mouth

Y/n's eyes started to fall heavy painful tears hearing and watching Mark's hurtful state, she was too terrified to even move her body from its place.

"V leave him" Jungkook said while trying to hold Taehyung's arms for stopping him from further attacking on Mark's half lifeless body.

Taehyung snatched his arm from Jungkook forcefully and then again held Mark's collar harshly and punched him hard again on his face.

Mark's whole face covered with his own blood

But that didn't halt Taehyung even a little, he felt no mercy towards him
He continued to hit him mercilessly and roughly.

Where as Suga and Jungkook tried their best to snatch him away from him.

"Y/n do something, otherwise he is going to kill him" Chaerin said with her tearful eyes while touching Y/n's shoulder

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