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Heard from friends of mine
You been telling lies
How I was wrapped up in you
But surprise, surprise


Author's Pov

Next Day

"So Y/n what you're planning on doing today sweetie? ". Mina asked Y/n who was fiddling with her hairs.

"Ummm.....Nothing much unnie ... I am just going to get bored as any other weekend specially without Chaerinaah.."
Y/n replied  pouting her lips making Mina to chuckled.

" Hmmm.....that's very sad, my sweetie is going to get bored. ". Mina said squeezing her cheeks making her to cutely frowned.

Her tiny  pout turned more big in annoyance until

" What's my  most favorite person on earth is doing right now? ".

" Jiminie". Y/n replied  getting excited by seeing the owner of that voice and stormed towards him .

She hugged him making him to smiled and hugged her back.

" Good Morning Mr park " Mina said bowing to Jimin

" Morning Mina " Jimin replied .

"Hmm.......so today is your weekend and what you're going to do today my angel.?"

Her pout again made its way on her lips as she stated.

"Going to get bored and nothing much and Chaerin has also gone to her aunt's house with her mother so I am already getting bored without her..."

She crunched her nose and then scoffed making him chuckled.

"Hmmmmm..so.you  are getting bored?

We have to do something about it otherwise my Angel's weekend is going to get wasted? " Jimin said while making a face like he was thinking something

"But what..?". Y/n said sitting on the sofa.

" What about we go for shopping, watch a movie and then eat your favourite flavor ice cream " Jimin said happily sitting beside her but her cute sad pout continued to remain on her face.

" No ....it's also boring, I don't want to do this ".Y/n said frowning making Jimin sighed

"So what else we can do? ". Jimin said started to make pout exactly like her when his phone suddenly started ringing.

" Hello " He said picking up the call.

" Ok I will be there in half and hour. "

By that he cutted off his call.

"Sorry angel I have to go " He said with a sad expression and got up from the sofa.

" Where are you going ?" Y/n asked him a little confused.

'" There is an important meeting in office, Hyung wants me to be there " Jimin replied sighing because he didn't want to left her alone but then he looked at her a little untidily when her eyes gleamed up with something

" Jiminie ". Y/n said fiddling with her fingers.

" Yes angel..." Jimin replied warmly

" Can I come with you  to your office please? " Y/ n said showing her doe like big puppy eyes making him a little tensed.

"But angel....."

" Please please please Jiminie I won't do anything wrong  just please take me there with you. I want to meet Oppa. I want to surprise him please"
Y/n said showing him her most innocent eyes making Jimin's heart to melt watching by her expressions.

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