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Now I'm midnight driving
Wondering if I should've let you lean in
Feel the gravity pulling on our skin
Are you even worth it if I lose a friend
Or should we stay forbidden
Should we stay forbidden•


Author's Pov



Y/n's body got frozen at its place where as she felt like her heart stopped pumping blood hearing that raspy hoarse voice.

She slowly tossed her head around with the only hope that whom she was assuming that person to be should never be him but her hope got shattered in the floor by watching her most forbidden fate standing in front of her

While staring at her with his completely darken , filled with rage and wrathful eyes . Her eyes got startled with shock and fear where as panic started to rise in her whole body, she looked at his sinister eyes with her own afraid and nervous one and didn't even dare to take her gaze away from him , it looked like he possessed her and threatened her to even think about taking her gaze away from him..


Y/n heard that afraid trembling voice speaking which took her out of her deadly trance.

She averted her gaze towards the owner of that voice and saw a terrified Chaerin standing there followed by a tensed Jungkook and both of them were staring at her worried..

"What the hell is going on here? " Mark said , a little shocked and frustrated while looking at Y/n.

Y/n gulped hard and then darted her eyes at Mark who seemed frustrated and confused about the whole situation.

"What is he doing here Y/n ?" He said glaring at Taehyung.

Y/n's eyes widened hearing Mark's angry voice and she again gulped hard her saliva but her heart halted when she heard him speaking with his wrathful raging voice.

"I f#cking own this place in which you are standing" Taehyung spat clenching his jaw while glaring at Mark

Y/n's heart dropped into her stomach hearing him where as her body started trembling.

"Oh.. So you are it's owner okay then let's go Y/n from here ." Mark retorted back and glared back at him making Taehyung to fisted his palms badly.

He averted his gloomy gaze towards Y/n making her whole body numb in fear.

Y/n's breathing got hitched into her throat when she again heard him speaking

"She is going nowhere with you" Taehyung stated looking at Y/n while clenching his jaw angrily.

"Haah....very funny maybe you own this hell but not her , so let's go Y/n.." Mark uttered and tried to grab Y/n's hand but before he could touch her, Taehyung grabbed his collar and parted him away from her.

"Try to even think about touching her again and I'll show you how the real hell feel likes..."

Everyone gasped watching the scenario in front of them where as
Y/n's body filled with complete horror and fear thinking about that night's incident and realising that was going to happen again.

"Why ....? who she is to you,? what relation you both have? " Mark spat glaring at Taehyung, pushing him on the verge of exploding with his rage.

Taehyung bite his inner cheek and groaned

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now