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The closer I get to you
The more I feel like crying
The further I get from you
The more I feel like dying


Author's Pov

Y/n's eyes bewildered where as she felt like her blood ran cold by seeing the person standing in front of her eyes. She felt like her legs gave up to even move where as everything around her froze just by witnessing his presence there....

100's of questions started roaming on her mind that why was he here? What he was doing here ? Who he actually was but most importantly now why he seemed to be closer to her again.?

That whether it was just a coincidence or fated ... ?

Her eyes got stucked into his face where as her mind started again battling with all those strange thoughts and her heart started getting that unusual yet familiar feeling again when she saw him for the first time..

She was completely lost on her own world of thoughts and feelings when suddenly everyone started clapping taking her out of her deep trance.

"Hey Y/n isn't he is the one whom you get bumped into..last night?". Chaerin asked a little suspiciously making Y/n to shrugged away her own thoughts..

"Umm....yeah he is Oppa's business partner...Mr V ". Y/n whispered  in Chaerin's ears and Chaerin just raised her one brow hearing her reply..

" Then why is he here all of a sudden? ". Chaerin asked looking at Y/n with her raised brow making her frowned.

" How would I know ....that why is he here..? He didn't call me last night to inform about his arrival today..Chaerin...". Y/n said with her sarcastic tone while rolling her eyes at her best friend.

"Hmmm.....strange very very strange" Chaerin said who started thoroughly scanning his presence on the stage making Y/n to scoffed watching her reaction.

"Aish....stop running your criminal mind...Chaerinaah...He is a rich business man so I guess he decided to raise his some money to our school...and that was why they made him our school's new trustee or else what...?"

"Probably you're right, I am thinking too much... "

Chaerin said weakly sighing and then looked at Y/n who showed her, her tongue cutely making Chaerin to chuckled .

"Not probably but surely I am right Chaerinaah..."

Y/n spoke and then darted her eyes towards the stage again but her breathing hitched where as she felt like her heart skipped a beat when she found his gaze already on her like they were staring at her for who knew how much longer.. ?..

Her doe eyes got fastened with his exactly like her birthday's night and without even trying, seemed to get lost into them like his presence possessed her somehow and she again felt that feeling that she knew those eyes for a very long time but where..? That she had to do something with that darken gaze but what.. ?

All those questions started consuming her mind once again which still were unanswered but suddenly her eyes widened and she came to her senses when she found the corner of his lips to slightly tugged upward forming an almost unnoticeable smirk on his face by staring at her shocked doe eyes..

And she didn't know why his smirk made her felt like a tingling sensation on her heart.. Her cheeks slightly warmed up and she immediately dropped her gaze down to the floor when she felt all those things for the first time on her life.

Her heart beat slightly raced as she gulped hard and moderately nibbled her lower lip because she had a habit of doing it when she got nervous .

She continued to look down until she heard him speaking with his deep and husky voice which made her whole body to filled with goosebumps .

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