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All of my devils are free at last
And all my secrets revealed
And your permission is all I
Need to heal


Author's pov

Next morning

At School

"Hey Y/nnie what are you thinking? " Chaerin asked to Y/n who seemed lost in her own world.

"Uhu...mm.. Nothing" She replied still thinking.

"Yay.... Stop lying and tell me what happen? "Chaerin asked eating her lunch making Y/n to suspired.

" Well actually I am getting a very strange kind of feeling " Y/n said playing with her lunch making Chaerin to untidy at her words.

"What do you mean strange ? Tell me exactly what you are thinking? "

"Tonight Mr V is throwing a party because he won an award for most successful business man of the year" Y/n said still fiddling with her food with a spoon.

"And.....?" Chaerin asked raising her one brow.

"He wants me to be there.."

"So what's the problem in that ??"

"Well I am getting this strange kind of feeling that something is going to happen at this party".

" If you are not comfortable with going than you should just simply say no to him"

Y/n scoffed at Chaerin's reply

"It's not that simple denying him, he will ask me the reason that why I didn't want to go then...?"

"Just simply say you are getting a strange feeling"

"Very funny Ms Chaerin" Y/n said sarcastically laughing making Chaerin to rolled her eyes.

"So now what you are going to do ?"

"I don't know I am going to be alone there " Y/n said with a sad pout while hanging her head low until an idea popped into her mind and she smiled a little devilfish looking at Chaerin making her to raised her one brow at her in suspicion.

"What.. ? Why are you looking at me like this? "

Y/n grinned a little more innocently.


"You are going to accompany me"

Chaerin's eyes broaden hearing Y/n

"No definitely not.....I am not going to that party and beside I am not invited so no..."

"Please please Chaerin please come with me tonight please.." Y/n said in a pleading tone

"But Y/n you know Mr V will never going to agree on this. "

"I will talk to him about this"

Y/n said out of a bloom making Chaerin stunned.

"Are you sure"?

" Ummm..yeah I am"

"Hmm....ok than" Chaerin replied with a sigh.


After school

"Ajumma where is Mr V? " Y/n asked to Maria who was chopping vegetables.

"I think he is in his study room" Maria replied.

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