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You deserve better, better, better than me
Might be what you want, but I'm not what you need


Author's Pov

Next Morning

"Why are you not eating Y/n? " Maria asked Y/n who was just fiddling with her food with spoon.


"Y/n dear, I am talking to you..What happen? " Maria asked tapping on Y/n's shoulder

"Ummm... What....? " She replied looking at Maria shrugging herself

"Is everything alright Y/n? Did something happen between.... " Maria said hesitated.

Y/n looked at her with a little confused eyes but her eyes became emotionless hearing her next statement.

"Ummm... Between you and .. Mr V"

Y/n immediately trailed her gaze towards her plate and replied

"Um... Mm.. N.. Nothing.. Wh.. Why? " She asked stuttering.

"No....It just today Mr V's mood wasn't not very good.. I mean usually he behaves very cold but not like today

He looked very upset and disturbed, he even fired a servant just for the reason that he put a little bit more sugar in his coffee" Maria described while looking at Y/n.

"Ummm... I. I don't know anything about it" Y/n replied still looking down.

"He even left early in the morning for office with Ms. Irene"

Y/n's heart sting hearing her words that they left for work together. Tears started to form in her eyes thinking about them together

She tightly closed her eyes in order to stopped them from coming.

"I should go otherwise I am going to be late for my school...bye Ajumma" Y/n said and got up from her chair.

"Bye take care dear" Maria replied waving her hand at her

Y/n just simply nodded and left for school.

At School

"Y/n are you okay? " Chaerin asked hugging Y/n

"Hmmm" Y/n replied hugging her back.

Chaerin broke the hug and slightly smiled at her.

"Good morning students" The teacher said gathering everyone's attention towards him.

"Today our school is going to celebrate its 64th Annual day, so there will be no classes for today .

Every student should gather at the Hall for the celebration and I hope you all enjoy this day " He stated and everyone started clapping in excitement.

Everyone seemed happy by hearing him and they started to walk towards the school's Hall.

"Y/n let's go" Chaerin said holding
Y/n's hand.

Y/n simply nodded at her and went with her to the hall

At The Hall

Everyone gathered at the Hall

Y/n and Chaerin were also present there .

"The decoration is so beau... " Chaerin stopped in the middle of her sentence seeing a certain person present at that hall .

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