💜Missing You💜

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I'm missing you
When I say that, I miss you more
I'm missing you
Looking at photos of you from before
I'm missing you


Author's Pov

"Please please save her please save Irene.... "

Y/n's body froze at her place, her blood ran cold hearing those words

"What..?? " She stuttered getting completely bewildered.

"Please save her, he is going to kill her, please stop him..." The person on the phone said and she could sense his panicking voice.

"What..? who is going to kill her and who are you? " She asked nervously

"I can't tell you that right now but help me, save her please Y/n please" The person replied

"But... " Y/n tried to ask him something but her phone ran out of battery making the phone call to end..

"Argh... Damn.."

Y/n cursed but her whole body started to tremble thinking about who was that person, how he knew about Irene and most importantly who was going to kill her and why......

Next Morning

Y/n was sitting on the breakfast table where as her mind was somewhere else, she was still thinking about that phone call until a voice spoke taking her out of her thoughts

" Miss Y/n why you are not eating? " The cooking maid asked to her.

"Umm... I ..I am sorry, I was just thinking about some school stuff" She replied while trying to show a convincing smile.

The maid smiled back at her.

"Has Mr V come home? " Y/n asked

"No Ms. Y/n, he hasn't come yet...." The maid replied

"Umm... Okay thank you" She said .

"Ms. Y/n are you ready for your school? " Jay said entering into the hall.

" Yeah let's go" Y/n said getting up from the chair while grabbing her school bag.

Jay nodded and with that they both left.

Inside The Car

Y/n was still thinking about that phone call but suddenly her mind stroke an another question that why still didn't come home yet so she decided to ask Jay...

"Ummmm.... Mr Jay" She said politely

"Yes Ms. Y/n" He replied while driving.

" Can I ask you something? " Y/n said a little hesitated.

"Yeah sure "

"Umm... Do you know where is....Where is Mr V? " She asked getting a little awkward but then she noticed his face to got a little tensed hearing her question which made her confused.

"No Ms., I don't know where he is" He replied looking straight at the door

"Ummm.. Okay thanks " Y/n said with a sigh.

After that they both remained silent and he drove her to her school

"Ms.Y/n! we are here" Jay said stopping the car at her school gate.

"Okay thanks'' She replied and then got out of the car.

She smiled at him and then went inside the school gate.

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