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I feel so surprised
All you ever do is lie
You been running on my mind
Yeah our memories rewind


Author's pov


Y/n's eyes widened where as she felt like her heart completely stopped beating hearing those words.

Her body started quivering uncontrollably. Her chest tightened hearing those words which he uttered to her.
Doll......KIM TAEHYUNG's ....doll.

Y/n's mind continued to repeat those words as she continued to shiver getting terrified but her blood ran cold when she found him touching the corner of her lips..

" You look really surprised Ms. Y/n'' He said while touching her lips with his thumb and starting rubbing her lower lip making her stomach to turned with disgust.

" Don't you know about him? " He said with a cunning smirk making extreme amount of fear to washed over her..

"Hmm well seems like you don't know anything about him then let me enlighten you " He said leaving Y/n from his cage and stood in front of her while folding his arms against his chest and she just stared at him confused and petrified.

"So firstly let me introduced myself, I am Jackson Wang. Your Oppa Min Yoongi's business partner" He smirked.

"We used to be very good friends but one day that little prince Charming of yours Kim f#cking Taehyung decided to interfere in our business" He spat while gritting his teeth and her heart rate halted again hearing that name.

"That bastard take everything from me because he got to know about my plan that I was going to backstab your precious Oppa''

" So he destroyed my business that I had built for the past 10 years

But don't worry I will definitely going to take my revenge on him in the most cruel and cunning way" He said with a smirk while staring at her from head to toe with his dirty gaze.

"He played with my business so now it's my time to play with his precious doll " He said looking at Y/n scanning her body thoroughly making her terrified of him and his dirty intentions.

Y/n got a very horrible feeling by the way he was looking at her.
She started to cry more densely, more tears started dropping from her eyes making her whole face wet and red. She joined her hands and pleaded

"Pl.. Please let me go.. Please... "

"No Baby I can't and now stop crying, you will get many more chances for it" He said chuckling darkly making more tears to fell from her eyes in fear.

"You will have to pay for everything he has done to me" He said chewing his inner cheek while glaring at her venomously.

" But I....I ...I have nothing to do with him. I don't even know about him please let me go please.." Y/n said sobbing uncontrollably.

"I am his nothing" She said pleadingly.

He started to laugh aloud hearing her words and walked a little nearer to her.

"You are so innocent babygirl .
You think you are his nothing

But let me tell you a secret

You are his everything, you are the f#cking weakness of that heartless monster Kim Taehyung" He said clutching Y/n's arm tightly and then yanked her making her hissed.

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now