💜Stupid 💜

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This chapter is dedicated to my new watty mate RenaizzaAnnMier

I'm so stupid for you
You're so bad for my health
But I just can't help myself
I'm so stupid for you


Author's Pov

Next Morning

Y/n woke up with the rays of sun coming through her window which fell on her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and then looked at the clock beside her bed.

Her eyes widened seeing the time.

"Oh my God.... I am going to be late for my school...." She said and woke up from her bed hurriedly and went to bathroom.

After 15 minutes

"Nice outfit Y/nnnie " Y/n said to herself proudly looking at her reflection on the mirror but immediately her proud reaction changed into tense one seeing the clock.

" I am late oh God...." She said and picked up her bag and ran out from her room.

At Breakfast Table

"Where is Y/n Maria? " Irene asked Maria

"I am here unnie.... "

Y/n spoke entering into the dinning hall with a big smile but soon her smile faded when she looked at the table and her heart clenched seeing Taehyung and Irene sitting together.

He gazed at her from head to toe with an amused reaction but then he noticed a sudden change in her happiness.

Y/n immediately turned towards Maria as she said to her.

"Ok come here and eat your breakfast" Maria spoke

"No Ajumma I am already late for my school, I have go I will eat something on my way" Y/n said and hurriedly turned around to leave but.

"I will drop you"

Y/n stopped hearing his voice and turned towards him.

"No you don't have to, I will go with Jay" ( Jay was Y/n's driver)

Y/n said and again tossed around but got halted.

"Well than there's a problem Doll because I am not asking but telling you that I am going to drop you to your school"

He said with a smirk placing his hand under his chin as she turned around and sent him a cute glare.

But she didn't want to argue with him as she was already late for her school.

She scoffed at him and stormed towards the door as he also got up and then followed her .

Maria just smiled seeing their cute moment but Irene just looked at them with pure hatred and jealousy in her eyes.

In The Car

The car drive was silent as he was driving his car focusing on the road whereas Y/n was looking outside through the window.

They didn't say anything to eachother until he decided to break the silence.

"Do you want to hear some music? " He asked taking Y/n's attention towards him

Y/n looked at him with wide eyes.

"You heard music? " She said getting shocked which was like more of a question

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