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Your secrets have secrets, that's no lie
Why we gotta be so under the weather
We can only have ourselves, can't rely on nobody else
To put your pieces back together


Author's pov

At Kai's Party

When Chaerin came after taking their drinks, she didn't find Y/n anywhere. She thought that she might have gone to washroom, so she decided to wait for her but after like 20 minutes when she still didn't come back, Chaerin started to get worried so she went to washroom in order to check her.

She got inside the washroom but she didn't find her there.

She then started to ask other people about her but  didn't get
any positive reply from them either..

Panick started to rise in her that where she went . She tried to search her everywhere but never got to know about a single thing about Y/n's sudden disappearance .

She tried to call her but her phone was switched off which made her more tensed.

Chaerin's eyes turned teary,she stopped in order to calmed herself down when  suddenly someone patted her shoulder gently.

"Hey Chaerin What happen ,you look really worried  . Is everything alright? " Kai asked with a concern look on his face

Chaerin didn't reply, her eyes started to get watery making Kai gasped

She just hide her face in between her palms and sobbed.

"Hey hey Chaerin what happen? Don't cry please just tell me what happen? " Kai said placing both of his hands on her shoulder in a supporting way.

"Y/n ! I can't find her anywhere" She said while sobbing harder.

"What...? Don't cry Chaerin she must be here somewhere " Kai replied in a comforting tone.

"No I look for her everywhere but didn't find her anywhere" She said crying more harder.

"But then where she went if she is not here "

"I don't know I went to take drinks but when I came back she was not there" She replied still sobbing.

" Did you ask anybody about her ?" He said.

"Yes but nobody saw her going anywhere"

"Ok don't worry we will ask the guards outside at gate. They must have seen her if she went outside" He said in an assuring tone earning a nod from her.

"Ok " She replied wiping her tears softly

Kai nodded and they both went outside the party at the main gate.

"Hey ! Did you saw a girl going outside somewhere from inside" Kai asked the guards

"Sir there are a lot of people coming and going. How would I know about whom you are talking about? " One guard replied

"Here look we are talking about her" Chaerin said showing Y/n's picture to the guards on her phone

"Ummm...I think I saw her coming outside from the party and then running somewhere in that direction"
Other guard replied pointing at a certain direction.

"She seemed really very afraid and uncomfortable" He said making Chaerin terrified.

"What.?  ok thanks " Kai said and took Chaerin inside the party again

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