💜Heart To Decide💜

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It'll be easy
Just release yourself and trust in our
Hearts to decide


Author's Pov

Next Day

At Min Mansion

"Y/nnnie, what did you think about  his birthday? " Chaerin asked sitting on the bed while looking at Y/n who was standing at the window staring outside through it.

Y/n turned towards her and with a heavy sigh, she replied.

"I didn't think about it yet, I need to talk to Oppa about this first."

"But do you think Mr Min will approve with your idea of celebrating his birthday , you know  after knowing the reason why Mr V doesn't like to celebrate his birthdays? " Chaerin asked getting up from the bed and then  walked towards Y/n.

"That's why I want to talk to Oppa first and then I will decide what do next.. " Y/n replied..

"Ok now let's go and eat something.I am hungry... " Chaerin stated making Y/n nodded at her.

"Ok.... " Y/n replied and with that they both left the room.


"Mina Unnie ! I am really hungry give me something tasty to eat please... " Chaerin said while pouting cutely.

"Yeah me too Unnie... " Y/n said

"I am coming my girls just wait a minute.. " Mina replied from the kitchen.

After A Couple Of Minutes

"Here you go with your food my babies.. " Mina said with a smile while serving their plates of food to both the girls.

"Oh my my....Kimchi and Noodles yummy.... " Chaerin said staring at her plate with wide hungry eyes making Y/n giggled looking at her reaction.

"Thank you so much Unnie for these delicious dishes" Y/n uttered with a smile looking at Mina

"Oh... No need for that my baby now let's start eating your food otherwise it will get cold" Mina replied smilingly making both the girls nodded at her.

Chaerin putted a spoon of kimchi in her mouth and groaned while closing her in a childish way.

"Ummmmmm.... Sooooo... Tasty.... Unnie"

Both Y/n and Mina chuckled looking at her cute expression.

"Thanks Chaerin honey and Y/n baby you should start eating too and tell me how's it... ?" Mina replied with a smile

Y/n nodded cutely and then put a spoon of Kimchi in her mouth and then gulped it but as soon as she tasted it , her stomach started to turn badly making her to got the urgent feeling and need of throwing up..

She dropped the spoon and placed her hand over her mouth in order to control herself and got up from the chair immediately and stormed towards the bathroom.

Both Mina's and Chaerin's eyes widened with shock, they both got worried and followed her immediately.

"Y/nnnie are you alright... ?" Chaerin asked worriedly who was standing outside the closed door of the bathroom...

"Ummmm.... Y... Ye... Yeah... Just a minute" She replied still throwing up making both the girls more tensed.

After a couple of minutes, Y/n cleaned herself and then opened the door and walked out of the bathroom

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