💜No Tears Left💜

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This chapter is dedicated to
My dear reader PoojaSinha0709

Right now, I'm in a state of mind
I wanna be in like all the time
Ain't got no tears left to cry•


Author's pov

"Now stop crying...." He said placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

She just closed her eyes and at that moment she felt like the most safest in her whole life.

Y/n's heart started to beat faster and she felt butterflies inside her stomach feeling his warmth. She just closed her eyes tightly because she was confused whether to push him away or let him continue to do what he was doing as she was getting a different kind of feeling by his touch which she never felt before in her entire life with anyone's touch .

He slightly got up from her and looked at her and a chuckle escaped from his mouth watching her tightly closed eyes like a little kid who was afraid of watching the ghost infront of her.

"Open your eyes Doll" He said tenderly.

But Y/n didn't reply instead she just shook her head without opening her eyes.

"Open your eyes" He again said but she again shrugged her head without opening her eyes making him amused by her cute behavior.

He leaned a little closer to her ear and huskily whispered.

"If you didn't open your eyes then I am going to kiss you..."

Y/n immediately opened her eyes hearing his statement. Her eyes widened , her cheeks started to heat up as she looked at him bewildered.

He just chuckled at her behavior.

"Hmm so now why did you open your eyes Doll..?" He said with a smirk ,
caging her between him and the bed.

"Umm...mmm I..I..." Y/n felt nervous at how closer he was , she could feel his breathing on her face and his body heat radiating against her which made her to slightly nibbled on her lower lip as she got very nervous .

He stared at her beautiful eyes and once again his gaze averted downward towards her lips on which she was chewing turning his eyes a little dark suddenly which didn't go unnoticed by her.

So she slightly pushed him away by pressing her palms over his chest and got up from the bed.

She thought that he was going to get angry on her that she pushed him but
he didn't utter a single word to her and just turned around and left her room.

Y/n got stunned by witnessing his behavior that he left her room without saying anything to her which made her befuddled but relaxed.

She sighed and then sat on the bed and started to think that how her whole life changed just in one night until she heard the door to got opened again revealing a woman who was on her 40's with a wide smile on her face.

"Hello Ms. Y/n ..I am Maria ". She said while bowing at her.

" Hello " Y/n replied while getting up from bed.

"Mr V told me to help you "

"Oh...ok, just call me Y/n and no need to bow in front of me" Y/n said with a smile.


"No you are older than me so I should be the one bowing not you" Y/n replied bowing at her.

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