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Talk if you want to talk
If you want to walk
Walk if you want to walk
If you want to front
Front like you gonna leave
You know you want to be here with me
You can't leave me


Y/N's Pov

"Happy birthday my Doll.... "

Hearing those words and feeling the deep intensity of his voice against my skin ,my breathing hitched into my throat and what just he called me and why did he call me that ?

Did people use that word to complement someone? I fought with my own thoughts hearing him but in all of that, I felt my something shivered inside me, when I heard that word from his mouth which increased the intensity of that strange feeling , I was getting.. Every single thing about him was feeling something different which I wasn't capable of understanding but somehow was drowning towards it which made me afraid but then my mind came to my senses that I again got zoned out on that nonexistent world of my thoughts and I forgot the reality and my manners so I replied still hesitated with his presence so closer to me.

" Thank you . "

" Hmm..... "

He hummed against my ear which made me ticklish there because his voice was dangerously deep with a hoarse and raspy pitch which could make anyone trembled with it..

"So did you like my gift? "

I was again battling with my thoughts but stopped hearing his words which made me confused that about which gift he was talking about . So I decided to throw out my unknown feelings away and behaved like a sane person.

"Ummmm...sorry but I don't know about which gift you are talking about.." I replied to him while slightly looking upward towards his eyes but my eyes bewildered a little watching the corner of his lips to slightly tugging upward at my words....like a smirk.. On an above not an ordinary one but amusing.. He was giving me an amused smirk like I stated something funny.

Well that was a little rude according to me and I hated rude people so I tried to show him that his reaction displeased me..

" Excuse me but I seriously don't know about which gift you're talking about... "

His grin widened a little more hearing my reply and I felt like my breathing rate halted watching his smirk which looked like it held so much authority and power over me but on the other hand annoyed me too..

" So you don't know hmm....ok then let's make it easy for you Doll . "

That word again which made my heart to skipped a beat as I gaped at him a little confused which I guess turned his  smirk more amusing by watching my confused face. How rude of him..?

"The dress you are wearing Doll  .."

My eyes widened where as my blood turned cold hearing his words making his smirk to more broaden and he leaned again closer to my ear and huskily whispered.

"Which is so blessed to touched the forbidden inches of your skin my Doll.... "

At that moment,I felt my whole body turned numb hearing those words to escaped from his mouth and that thing that he gave me that dress and Oppa didn't even tell me about it and that man's closeness wasn't making anything easy for me .

The fact that my Oppa lied to me hurted me in my heart but I knew there has to be a reason behind it otherwise my Oppa would never lie to me no matter what.. I was again lost in my thoughts when suddenly I felt my body getting more closer to his,he tried to pull me more nearer to him almost pressing my body against his  making me  panicked, enduring his body's hard yet warm closeness which started burning my skin.

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