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And now I'm shattered
From you chipping my heart
Kept taking it till it broke
Oh how it hurts
But it slip from your hand
Hit the ground and now it's shattered
I'm so shattered


Author's Pov


Y/n's who body froze on its place. She felt like every single thing around her turned blur and heart completely stopped beating ..

She just looked at that person who was standing helpless in front of her, with his gaze down to the floor ,that person whom she had considered her life,her everything, the reason of her happiness, her Oppa...

But everything he said to her ,everything he did for her wasn't love but responsibility.

He took care of her not because he loved her but because she was his responsibility, a responsibility which he had to take care for past 8 years... He didn't consider her, his sister, his family, she was his no one except a burden he had to taken care of for someone else.

His protection wasn't care and love of a brother but responsibility and burden which he was taking for the sake of someone else.

First time in her life Y/n heart didn't want to believe her Oppa.
Her heart wished that whatever he just told her was a lie that he lied to her.

But she knew that what he said was the truth, the most cruel and harsh truth of her life. Her whole existence was just based on lies... Lies and nothing else..

She was someone who had no entity, no existence, no family and loved one of her own.. She was nothing and no one to anyone but a thing which got bought by someone..

"Princess please say something please" Suga said to Y/n while holding her hands firmly

"Please please say something please" He said pleadingly where as his tears continued to fall watching her so broken and vulnerable state.

Y/n just looked at Suga like there was no life remain inside her eyes but a complete shattered soul. She slowly took back her hands from his grip and backed away from him.

Suga's heart shattered into million pieces seeing her like that for the first time in his life like she turned into a breathing dead body.

"I am sorry princess, I am really really sorry" Suga said falling on his

"Please forgive your Oppa please " He said joining his hands in front of her while tearing up badly until

"Why are you saying sor....ry to me? "
Y/n stuttered while holding back her tears.

"You did nothing wrong, you were just taking care of an object which responsibility you have taken from someone." She said biting her lower lip in order to controlled herself from breaking.

Suga felt like his whole body turned numb at her words and watching a tear to fell from her eyes.

"I....I am an ob...."

She wasn't capable of completing her sentence as it was too painful for her to even said, she broke down in front of him as she wasn't capable of holding back her tears anymore.

She started to cry harder and harder, panic rose over her, her breathing became abnormal, she felt like her oxygen got cutted off.

Seeing her like that, Suga ran towards her and held her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

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