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Dread the day that brings the truth
Punishment for what I've done
Sentence me for all my sins
Bound in fear for what I've got
Though not much it seems a lot
Life is death and no one wins


"Than we are not done yet........"

Y/n's eyes widened with shock hearing his words, she looked at him completely startled where as heart beat started so faster that it sounded like was  going to explode at any second.

Mature Content Ahead 🔞

A devilish grin appeared on his face watching her shocked  reaction.

"But   "

She opened her mouth in order to say something but he immediately shut her up by placing his lips on her  capturing them into a deep passionate kiss

Without even thinking for a second, she kissed him back and tried to move her hands on his back in order to grabbed his hairs.

But he immediately held her both hands and pinned them against the bed while still kissing her. Y/n moaned when he harshly bite her lower lip, dominating the kiss more

He pressed himself more closer to her, Y/n gasped when she found his manhood pressed against her sore entrance. She started to arch her back where as her toes curled up.

He broke the kiss and looked at her now swollen pink lips, a smirked appeared on his face making Y/n's heartbeat increased.

Y/n gulped hard looking at his devilish dark smirk but her eyes widened when he flipped her over on top of him in seconds and pulled her closer to his face and then kissed her roughly.

Y/n kissed him back but her breathing got hitched into her stomach when he slowly glided his shaft at her entrance. Y/n started to breathe heavily when he whispered with his deep sexy voice against her lips

"Now ride me my Doll and you're not allowed to release until I say so"

"But... "

With that he slammed himself inside her making her to scream his name  .Y/n's eyes rolled at the back of her head when he started to thrust her deeply making her to scream his name in pain and pleasure .

Y/n also started to move her hips while he continued to kiss and thrust inside her roughly. She rode him as faster as she could.

But she clenched herself when she found a knot again building up inside her stomach which didn't go unnoticed by him. He groaned in pleasure and said against her lips

"Don't.. "

"Pl.. Please.. "

Y/n begged while tears of pleasure started to form in her eyes. Her pace slowed down when she found her high was going to reached her soon.

He slightly broke the kiss and looked at her tired , sexy and sweaty face while breathing heavily, he again flipped her down and hovered on top of her and again slammed roughly inside her.

Y/n cried out in pleasure with his every hard thrust, He slowed down his pace a little while thrusting her deeply making Y/n lose her every sense and rationality. He started to nibbled her collarbone harshly leaving his marks there.

Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist  and harshly scratched his back with her nails when he increased his pace moved inside her mercilessly.

"Tae..... P.. Please... " She begged while moaning his name

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now