💜No Regrets💜

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I'm not ashamed that he wasn't the one
Had no idea what we would become
There's no regrets I just thought it was fun


Author's Pov

Y/n was again standing outside the devil's room thinking about her promise which she had given to her Ajumma . She inhaled a deep breathe then exhaled it where as her body started to fill with nervousness thinking about facing him alone again after specially what had happened last night between them when she was in his room.

The images of that night's moments started to appear on her mind making her whole body shivered while her heart again started to beat faster like a bullet train.

She sighed heavily and then thought about her promise which she had made to Maria.

"Y/n you can do this, you just need to talk to him and then leave and it's not like he is going to kill you or something like that..
You can do it, you have to do it for your Ajumma"

She spoke to herself, trying to collect her all courage and confidence.

And after fighting 2 minutes of inner battle, she again sighed heavily and with her trembling hands, she finally knocked on his door softly.

But  didn't get any reply. After a couple of minutes ,she still didn't get any reply so she again knocked  but still no reply.

Y/n started to get annoyed so she again knocked but that time a little loud but still no reply.

Then she got a little angry so she pushed the door slowly and to her luck the door was not locked which gave her the access to  sneakpeak her head inside but his room was almost dark, she couldn't find him anywhere.

She then gulped hard and went inside his room. Then her eyes travelled everywhere in search for him but her heart stopped beating when she heard his deep husky voice speaking from her behind.

"Isn't it a little bad, invading someone's privacy? "

Y/n's body froze at her place while her throat became dry, she swallowed firmly and slowly turned around towards his voice and her eyes met with the devil's cold yet soothing eyes

He was looking at her with a slight amusing expression where as a devilish smirk was playing on his beautiful face.

Y/n's blood ran cold watching the way he was looking at her like a predator looking at his prey before consuming it completely..

"Well...did  you have a habit of coming inside someone else's room without their permission? " He spoke taking her out of her thoughts

"Ummmm... N.. No... " She replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Then why you are here? " He said looking at her from her head to her toe making her more nervous.

"I knocked but you didn't reply"

"So you decided to invite your own self in..." He snapped to which her eyes widened

"N.. N.. No.. " She stuttered.

"Than what? " He asked

"I want to talk to you about something" She said looking at the floor

"Hmmmm talk then" He stated again looking at her from head to toe

"I want you to give your permission to Ajumma for leaving. " She slowly spoke still looking downward

"Hmmmm and why's that? " He asked raising his one brow at her.

"She just want to meet her son, she loves him and misses him so much" She said still looking down and her words made a smirk to crept on his face.

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