💜Hold my hand💜

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Will you hold my hand when you know I'm a sinner?
Bless my soul, even though I'm a sinner
Hold my hand

Author's pov

Y/n's heart stopped beating hearing Irene's word. The world around her stopped.

She thought she didn't hear her correctly

"What?. " She asked her again hoping that it should not be what she heard. .

"Yes Y/n Mr V...I think he likes me " Irene said getting more happy.

Y/n's mind became blank. She felt the time around her froze, her throat became dry, she wanted to ask her so many questions but she couldn't find a single word uttering from her mouth.

"Y/n are you okay? , you look really disturbed?" Irene asked shrugging
Y/n's shoulder slowly.

Y/n just looked at her with a blank expression.

"Y/n baby what happen? " Irene said with a worried expression placing her hand on Y/n's cheek.

"Ummm. Are you talking about Mr.

"Yeah Y/n I am talking about Mr V" Irene said cutting Y/n's sentence.

Y/n just looked at her shocked because she never felt that kind of painful feeling in her whole life .

"Aren't you happy to hear that? " Irene asked with a worried expression

"Ummmm...No.. No. It's not like that"  Y/n Stammered nervously

"I...I am very happy for you.? " Y/n said trying to plaster a weak smile on her face.

"Oh okay I thought you are not happy by hearing this but never mind
I can't describe you how happy I am feeling right now by telling you about this..." Irene said showing her wide smile.

Y/n just looked at her without saying anything..

"You know we feel really happy and comfortable in each other's company and I think he cares for me a lot that's why he told me to stay here in his own house"

Y/n felt her heart was clenching hearing her each and every word in pain.

"We know each other for more than 4 years and I am working for him from the last 2 years.

All this time he behaves very humbly and respectfully towards me. " Irene spoke and Y/n could sense how happy she was.

"And today he also held my hand in his study room" Irene stated while blushing.

Y/n's heart broke hearing her as her eyes slightly turned glossy.

"I think we both like each other very much but we are just afraid of confessing to each other" Irene uttered and she just gaped at her froze.

"Say something Y/naah'' Irene spoke looking at Y/n with a confused expression making her to sighed heavily and blinked her lashes for controlling her tears.

" Congratulations unnie " Y/n said smiling

"Thank you love" Irene beamed..

"So now tell me what.. "

"Y/n dear it's time for your dinner." Maria said cutting Irene in the middle of her sentence.

"Oh good evening Ms. Irene" Maria said bowing

"Evening" Irene replied with a smile.

"So let's go Y/n dear and eat. "

"I am not feeling hungry Ajumma" Y/n said getting up from her seat.

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