💜His Love💜

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His Love Is Stronger Than The Angels And Demons
His Love, It Keeps Me In My Life’s Darkest Hour
His Love Secures Me On The Pathway To Heaven
And His Love Is My Strength And Power


Author's Pov

"She wants to celebrate her Daddy's birthday because you know tomorrow is his Birthday too... "

Chaerin's eyes widened a little hearing Y/n's words

"But after so many years... "

"Yes Chaerin ... I know he still don't like this day.. And doesn't even want Taesa to know about it but you know how Taesa is. When she decided to do something then she definitely do it.. No matter what ... " Y/n stated cutting Chaerin's sentence making her sighed

"Yeah yeah my Y/nnie I know she is Kim Taehyung's daughter so authority and dominance is in her blood.... " Chaerin chuckled making Y/n smiled too. And then Y/n averted her gaze towards her cute little creature who was playing and laughing with Chaekook..

"Hmmm... She is just not only his daughter but also the reason behind his heart beating... " Y/n beautifully smiled looking at her little cute daughter...

But her smile immediately faded away from her face when she found her falling on the ground harshly.. Y/n gasped and stormed towards her

"Taesa... " Y/n shouted getting panicked and then picked her up in her arms softly..

"Baby.. Are you alright..? Did you get hurt anywhere please tell me..? " Y/n said getting on the verge of tearing..

"Mommy Taesa is fine don't worry.. " Taesa spoke looking at her mother's glossy eyes and then cutely smiled making Y/n's tensed body calmed a little watching her smile..

"Are you sure my baby...? "

"Yes... Mommy.  ...Taesa is completely alright and she is very strong just like her daddy... "Taesa giggled in her mother's arms making her smiled too..

Y/n softly pecked her forehead and uttered with a smile

"Yes.. I know my Taesa is the strongest just like her daddy.. "

Taesa's beautiful eyes lightened up with happiness hearing her mother's words

"Mommy but when will daddy come back..? Taesa is already missing him" Taesa asked cutely pouting while looking at Y/n's eyes...

"Baby he will come back soon.. He just needs to attend some meeting with uncle Jungkook then he will come back to Taesa.. " Y/n replied making the little girl in her arms bursted out with happiness..

"Yeah.. Daddy will be here soon. .. "

Y/n chuckled watching her enthusiasm.. But her face again tensed up when she heard Taesa's question..

"Mommy did you prepare everything I told you for daddy's birthday.. "

"Ummm.... Y.. Yeah... I did... "

"Thank you mommy.. " Taesa clapped her hands in excitement and then pecked Y/n's lips

"Taesa is so much excited for her daddy's birthday yeah... Taesa will celebrate her daddy's birthday ... " Taesa said while clapping and again pecked Y/n's lips.

" Thank you so much mommy.. Taesa loves you soooooo much... "

"Mommy loves Taesa the most my baby... " Y/n replied pecking her soft cheek making her giggled...

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