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They answered my questions with questions
And pointed me into the night
The power that bore me had left me alone
To figure out which way was right


Author's Pov

"Are you alright princess.....? "

Suga asked worriedly looking at Y/n who was just sitting on her bed like a statue, completely froze because her mind, thoughts , everything was roaming over one thing... Him...

"Princess.. " Suga said placing his palm over her shoulder taking her out of her trance..

She shrugged her head and looked at him..

"Are you alright...? "

" Ummm...yeah...I am fine Oppa.." Y/n replied while trying to made a fake smile on which she failed badly because Suga knew her more than she knew about her own self.

"No Princess don't lie to me, tell me what happened? What happen at the party? ". Suga asked, this time his voice was a little firm making Y/n sighed and then again gaped at him.

" Oppa can I ask you something..?". Y/n said with her soft voice making him nodded.

" Yes of course tell me what's bothering you princess..?". He asked her in  reply.

"Oppa why didn't you tell me that this dress is gifted by your friend.. Mr V...?"

Suga's breathing hitched into his throat where as his eyes bewildered with shock hearing her words.

" How did you know? Who told you this? ". Suga asked, the tone of shock was lacing on his voice..

"Oppa Mr V told me at the party and why did you hide this from me..?" She asked where as her eyes almost turned teary making his heart clenched because they both knew how much sensitive her nature turned, specially when it came to Suga... whom she considered her everything...

His heart felt a pang watching her glossy eyes but he was helpless at that situation. But he couldn't let her to feel so vulnerable so he palmed her cheeks.

" Princess I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I.....I am really very sorry.

I just wanted your happiness so I thought.......I.....I am sorry. " Suga lost his words, he couldn't find words to explained it to her.

Extreme amount of guilt washed over him because he wasn't capable of telling the truth to his little princess.. And unintentionally just hurted the only person whom was the reason of his every happiness .

And Y/n understood her Oppa's uneasiness that he only wanted her to be happy, that no matter what even the whole world stood together and said that  her Oppa wanted something bad for her, she wouldn't believe them for a single second.

And she thought she behaved like a child at her own birthday party because of her some baseless intuitions about that stranger and those weird vibes and feelings which she was getting from him and in all of that,she hurted her Oppa's feelings..

"Oppa it's ok I am sorry too for my childish behavior at the party. I am so sorry..It's just when he told me about this. I didn't want to be around him anymore....It was uncomfortable and...not good..." Y/n softly said while tears started to drop from her eyes making him to immediately wiped her face gently.

"No Princess don't cry and it's not your mistake. You did nothing wrong at the party. It's my mistake .I should have told you about this but I didn't..I am sorry..." Suga said tenderly looking at her teary doe eyes and then pecked her forehead.

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