76: All For Family

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*Dennis X My Oc Elizabeth. (Part 2 of 'Illness' ) (Dennis finds out that Elizabeth did something big to help her family.)

Dennis woke up a little and looked up at her. She waves and leaves the room.

He got up, kissing the kids on the heads before following Elizabeth. "Liz?" he whispered when he found her.

"Yes hun?" she says getting ready to get in the shower.

"You okay...you were out for quite a while"

She deeply sighs "Yeah, just went to do a few errands also..no biggie" she says not facing him, she pulls open the shower curtain to get in.

"I uh, I've taken a few extra shifts this week at work to help by the way" he told her softly.

"No you don't have to hun, it's all taken care of now, don't worry your sweet head over it anymore, momma's taken care of it.." she gets in under the water and takes a deep breath with her eyes closed.

Dennis stripped and got in with her "You went to get that job back didn't you?" he sighed.

"No...I didn't, don't worry"

"What did you do Liz?" he asked staring at her with puppy dog eyes begging her to tell him.

"Does it matter?, I fixed it and it will only take one more day to work for sure" she looks up into his eyes, her eyes are so dark, there's a look in them she hasn't had in a years.

"It matters to me...I just wanna make sure your okay" he told her resting his head on her shoulder.

"I've backtracked Dennis..to how I was in my past just to make this work out... I've let him.." she deeply sighs.

"Let him what?" he asked worriedly.

"I let him touch me" she puts her head down.

"Wha...why would you do that?" he exclaimed.

"I told you I'd do anything for you and the kids, anything for my family.. anything" she breathes.

"Why didn't you tell me about it, we could have figured something out...hell I would rather work myself to death doing overtime than having you forcing yourself to do something like this...Lizzy what were you thinking?" he cried.

"It wasn't my first thing on the list, it just got brought up in conversion somehow, he suggested it and I fell into it and the sad part was I started to have very strong flashbacks to when I was younger and some of the strongest feelings of ecstasy came rushing back like it was right behind me this whole time.." she deeply sighs and leans against the shower wall.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked sounding frustrated.

"I, I think I was ashamed, I came this far and wasn't like that, like when I first met you and, and now it's all back and I can't stop from liking it" she rubs on her thighs, trying not to stare at his eyes.

"You like him better than me don't you?" he sighed.

"No it's not about that, it's just the rush, kind of like what you said you felt when you used to want to watch girls dance naked or even got too.. it's soo addicting" she moans, rubbing a hand between her legs.

"I still don't understand why you didn't tell me"

"I was ashamed and I hate myself for not being stronger"

"Lizzy what are you talking about your the strongest woman I have ever met...but just because you would do anything for us, it doesn't mean you have to" he whispered kissing her softly.

"Of course I do, that's my whole purpose in life and I knew that somehow from the moment I met you and the others, I knew giving myself to you and my family as it came along was my reason for being the broken and my reason for living" she cups his face.

"I don't want you hurting yourself in the process...you are my only family" he whispered.

"If it makes you feel better you can get one of the impures to dance for you, if you want to?" she nuzzles his neck and purrs.

"I only want you" he murmured.

Elizabeth raises her arms above her head and sways her body back and forth slowly "You sure?"

"Always, from the moment I met you to the day I married you and every day I spend with you in the future you will always be my one and only love and Molly too"

"Do you ever still get tempted?"

"Not as much as I used to"

"I remember how turned on I felt when I witnessed you ordering those girls around and getting them to dance for you" she kisses his jawline.

"I remember too" he breathed.

"So many things I wish we could relive and experience again" she presses her body closer against his with a moan.

Dennis kissed her deeply.

"Oh these damn dirty urges of mine" she pouts.

"I love them" he moaned.

"And I love yours too, putting them both together was oh so satisfying"

"Yeah" he whispered.

She wraps her arms up around his neck and leans her forehead against his "Mmm my man" she hums.

Dennis kissed her deeply, his hands travelled all the way down her body. He pulled her close to him with one hand whilst one lifted her leg up to his waist.

She locks her leg that's up around his waist , which makes their groins rub up against each other "Oh my sweet Dennis.." she moans.

Dennis moaned softly as he kissed her wherever he could. "I love you" she purrs in his ear.

"I love you too baby" he whispered holding her closer to him still.


*Written by: Lizrenknight & Novaauthor13 *

(This story only in this novel )

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