73: To The Train Station

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*Dennis & My Oc Elizabeth. (Dennis takes Elizabeth to the train station)(no sex just fluff)

Dennis had taken Elizabeth to a train station, he didn't tell her the reason why but it was the anniversary of his fathers death and he was going to the station to pay his respects.

"So why are we here hun?" she asks him holding his hand.

"Liz...this is where I saw my father for the last time" he whispered.

"Oh babe.. I'm sorry" she hugs him.

"Its okay" he sighed softly hugging her back "I do this every year...to pay my respects"

"Well why didn't you share this with me before?"

"I didn't know what you would think" he whispered.

"Think of what? I would have just come with you and helped you through it"

"I dunno...I just I didn't know if you would have liked coming up since you didn't like the sound of my parents"

"I would have come for you, for your support and you never really told me about your father much, I didn't like the stuff you told me about your mother" she says looking sad.

"I know..I'm sorry its just I don't really know as much about him, he was kind...a lot nicer than my mother ever was, we were waiting for a train, when it came he held me tight told me he loved me after he got on it....he never came back"

''I think he be very proud of you now, how you turned out" she kisses him and warmly smiles.

Dennis nodded "I just...I sometimes wonder what could have happened if he hadn't got on that train" he sighed.

"Who knows, but I know for sure we would have never met, the way we did anyway, Molly too"

Dennis smiled softly "I think he would have liked you, both of you, the kids too"

"I'm sure he would"

Dennis moved closer to the platform and placed the flowers on the side. "Hey Papa, I'm sorry I haven't been here in a while...I've been busy, I brought someone with me this time, she's my wife and she looks after me...I wish you could see her, I'm sure you would love her" he whispered placing a hand on the flowers gently.

Elizabeth kneels down beside him looping an arm with his.

"Papa, this is Elizabeth...my wife, I know you couldn't save me from my childhood but I'm happy now, I have two beautiful women who love me and three amazing children who bring me joy everyday, I love you papa...I hope your proud of everything I've done"

She gives him a kiss on the cheek, "Come on darling, let's go get some lunch, don't want my man going hungry now"

Dennis nodded his head slowly before kissing his hand and placing it on the flowers "I love you papa" he whispered before standing up and walking away with Elizabeth.

"Rest in peace my father in law" she whispers softly, holding Dennis's hand.

They sat outside a café drinking coffee, Dennis had brought them some cake to eat.

"Good cake, but needs to be a little more moisture in texture like mine" she smirks.

Dennis chuckled giving her a small smile, reaching out to hold her hand.

"Great coffee"

"Mmm it is...thanks for coming with me today Lizzy it meant a lot" he smiled kissing her hand softly.

"Anytime my sweetheart"

"You called him father in law" he says.

"Well that's what he would be isn't it?"

"It just made me happy to hear you say it"

She cups his cheek "I'd do anything to make you happy"

"Thank you Elizabeth, he would have liked you I'm sure" he sighed.

"I would have liked him too" she smiles.

"You think so?" he asked her, staring up at her.

"I know so, and hopefully he would like my cooking" she laughs, sipping her coffee.

He laughed with her "I think he would...I wonder how much like him I am"

"Who knows but I'm sure he would want you to be you and no one else because you're perfect"

"Thanks Liz" he whispered kissing her softly .

"Mm I love you so much"

"I love you too Liz" he smiled before looking at the sky "I love you too papa" he whispered .

"Lets go home babe"

"Okay" he nodded getting up and walking back to the car holding her close to him .

She gets in her side and fastens her seat belt "Don't worry We'll do this more often together"

"You want to?" he asked her softly.

"Yes" she leans over a bit and gives him a kiss.

Dennis smiled as he kissed her back deeply "I'm so lucky to have you" he sighed.

"And I'm so lucky to have you too"


*Written by: Lizrenknight & Novaauthor13 *
(This story only in this novel )

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