97: Affectionate

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*Dennis / My Oc's Bella and Evey. AU of an AU story* (Evey has feelings about her adopted father Dennis and his daughter *Bella* starts to suspect something's going on )

It was a school day and Dennis's turn to take Bella and Evey to school, which usually ended up in the two girls getting into an argument in the car over who would sit in the front and who in the back. which was irritating at best for Dennis. "You always get the front..." Evey pouts in the backseat, with her usual glare at Bella.

"Yeah well that's because I'm the best" she said smugly.

"No your not you big fat lair"

Bella poked her tongue out at her, "Girls, stop arguing" Dennis told them sternly.

Evey stuck her tongue out at Bella.

"She started it Dad" Bella pouted. "Bella, your not helping the situation" Dennis told her giving her a glare. "Fine I'll stop" she sighed.

Evey glances upwards at Dennis in the mirror and she sticks her tongue out at him "I don't want to go to school today"

"Why not Evey?"

"Because it sucks"

"I know baby, but I'm at work and mom's gonna be out all day so you can't stay at home" Dennis told her. "Yeah Evey stop moaning" Bella teased earning her another glare from Dennis.

As they pull up to the school and Bella gets out Evey leans between the front seats and gives Dennis a kiss on the corner of his lips but was really aiming for his cheek "Seeya later" she jumps out of the car and gives Bella a wet willy before running into the school.

"See you later girls, have a good day and Bella...don't get into any more trouble with your math teacher" he told her. "Fine but its not my fault I don't like numbers" she told him rolling her eyes before running off to class. Dennis chuckled as he drove off heading to work.

Evey was with Bella in the locker room later on after running track "Bella?"

"Yeah?" Bella asked turning to face her.

"Can I tell you something without you telling on me?"

"I suppose, what is it?" She asked.

"I saw Dennis D naked"

Bella looked at her a bit shocked "What?" she asked quietly.

"I wasn't trying to, it just happened, he was in the shower and I walked half way in the door and stopped and saw him but he didn't see me" Evey says quickly.

"Oh, well it was just a mistake, I'm sure it doesn't change things"

"He was you know..erect" Evey adds.

"Oh, umm I don't know what to say...does it bother you?" she asked.

"Strangely no and I'm not sure why" Evey says putting her head down.

"Maybe you should talk to mom about it she might be able to help" Bella suggested.

"Maybe or should I tell him?"

"You can if you want to, it depends on how comfortable you feel talking to him about that kind of stuff"

"Okay.. can you do me a favor and hitch a ride home with Mary so I can have a chat with him?" Evey asks.

"Okay, I need to stay later anyway because you know...detention" she sighed looking down.

"Oh Yeah, you'll live" she smirks and gives Bella a hug and a kiss.

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