15: Dr. Staple The Kidnapper

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*Dennis & The Beast /My Oc Elizabeth. & Little Bella. (No Sex in this one) Dr. Staple kidnaps Bella in attempts to understand the strangeness of how the Beast works)

Elizabeth and Dennis were out in the park with baby Bella, she loved the park, they had found out that the swings were her favorite and she would spend ages on them screaming in joy as she went higher on them. At the moment Dennis was chasing his daughter around on the field, she was laughing and screaming trying to get away from him until he picked her up and lifted her up into the air, Elizabeth was watching them happily, setting up the picnic they had brought with them

"Come and get it!" Elizabeth shouts. As soon as Bella's put on her feet again she takes off towards her mother, running to fast that she even falls over a few times with a huff. "Ouuf"

"Woah slow down sweetheart your going to hurt yourself in a minute" Dennis chuckled picking her up again and carrying her the rest of the way

"Mommy got food?" she asks him inn her little voice.

"Yeah she does and if your lucky she might have packed your favorite food" he smiled at her.

She claps her hands "Yay!"

Dennis chuckled as they finally reached Elizabeth.

Elizabeth points at the food set on the paper plates "I got your fave's right here.." Bella's plate had grapes, a cheese sandwich cut in half, some cheerios and sliced carrots. Bella picks up the sandwich half and eats little bites off of it "Mmyum"

"Somebody's hungry huh?" Dennis said to Bella with a smirk.

"Mhm" is all she mumbles.

Dennis chuckled sitting down next to Elizabeth. As he chuckles Elizabeth slips a grape in his mouth and giggles. He smirked at her eating it slowly.

She sticks her tongue out waiting for him to give her one.

Dennis picks up one from her plate and stuck it on her tongue. When she takes it from him she wraps her lips around his fingers holding it.

He smirked leaning towards her "I'm gonna need that back you know" he whispered.

"Grrr" she giggles giving him his hand back.

He chuckled picking up another grape feeding her again.

"But I'm to hungry for just grapes..." she gets down by Bella "I'm hungry for cute little girls named Bella Crumb!" she lifts up Bella's shirt a little and blows on her little tummy, giving her the raspberry's. Bella laughs "Hahah aha!"

"Oh no Bella needs saving from hungry momma" he cried with a grin "Hang on Bella Daddy will save you" he said picking her up and wrapping her up in his arms "There now she can't get you" he smirked looking down at Bella who was in fits of laughter.

"Dadda saved meh!" she claps her hands.

"Always angel" he smiled down at her kissing her cheek.

"I wove you"

"I love you too sweetheart" he told her softly.

Elizabeth scoots closer, leaning in to give Dennis a kiss. He kissed her back softly with a smile.

Bella rolls out of his arms and starts walking off. "Bella don't wander off" he warned her.

She giggles walking around some trees close by, picking up acorns.

"Okay I better go get her" he sighed looking at Elizabeth.

She giggles. Bella starts running around the trees.

SPLIT:  Big Book Of All My OC Oneshots  Vol 2   (BF)Where stories live. Discover now