88: Secret Visits

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*Dennis X My Oc Elizabeth. (Dennis has been visiting Kevin's mother and not telling Elizabeth) (pre my oc kids)

Dennis had just come back from meeting his mother in secret again, he hated those visits because even though she was getting older she still hurt him. Elizabeth didn't know about these visits, though she noticed the small cuts that appeared on his face sometimes when he came home sometimes. He leaned on the door for a few moments before walking into the house.

"Hey handsome, you're just in time for dinner" she runs up to him, giving him a kiss.

Dennis kissed her back softly with a smile, he felt tired and dinner sounded great right now.

"So how was your day?" she says getting a bowl down from the cabinet so she could get some stew for him.

"It was okay, tiring but okay" he said softly.

She sits the filled bowl and a plate with fresh baked rolls on the table and when he sits down she stands behind him and rubs his neck, leaning over his shoulder enough to kiss his cheek "I missed you"

"I missed you too Lizzy" he sighed softly leaning his head on hers.

She smiles and walks around the table to join him, sitting down in her chair "I hope you like it, it's a veggie stew"

Dennis smiled as he ate it "It's really good" he complimented her.

"Thank you babe" she smirks, half way into the meal she starts playing footsie under the table with him. Dennis smirked as he joined in.

She slips off her cute little flats and rubs her foot up his leg slowly.

Dennis groaned softly as she did.

"Babe can I ask you something?"

"What?" he asks softly.

"Have you...been with another woman today?" she asks, not making eye contact.

"No, I... I wouldn't do that to you"

"You have a faint smell of perfume on your shirt..look I understand darling, I knew what sometimes happens when new impure's comes about, I accepted it since I first met you" she says rather quickly.

"It's not what you think I...I did see someone but not like that" he answered hurriedly looking anxious.

"Who else could it be?" she asks confused.

"I was seeing my mother..." he faltered as he said those words.

"Oh..but I thought you both didn't get along?"

Dennis shrugged looking down not sure what to say, he suddenly looked like a frail, scared little boy again.

"Dennis..if you truly feel like you need to see her, I want to come with you next time for support"

"No, no...she wouldn't like that" he said fearfully.

"Who cares what she likes, she has no rights to even you being there visiting, you don't have to, you don't own her anything" she says sternly.

"She's my mother, she's all I have..." he murmured.

"You have Molly and I" she whispers in his ear "Always"

Dennis nodded slowly "I don't want you to go...she might hurt you"

"She can't hurt me and besides what's the worst she could do at her age hmm..maybe yell a bunch of curse words?" she giggles.

"She still throws glasses pretty good" he murmurs.

SPLIT:  Big Book Of All My OC Oneshots  Vol 2   (BF)Where stories live. Discover now