86: Remember Me Darling?

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Dennis X My Oc's Elizabeth & Molly. (kids in it too) (Kevin was presumed dead but later is found and brought home with no memory of his family) (After 'Glass' events)

It had been a few months since Kevin Crumbs death at the hands of Doctor Staple and Elizabeth and Molly were still adjusting to life without him.

Elizabeth was driving home, she was out food shopping most of the day.

Suddenly she stumbles across someone who was lying down on the street huddled up against a wall, he was really skinny and his clothes were tatty but looked like someone had gone through the effort to keep them clean, he was wrapped up in a blanket trying his best to keep warm on this particularly cold, winter day.

She stops the car and gets out, walking over to him "Excuse me, are you alright?" she asks softly.

They jump a bit not used to people talking to him, not nicely anyway, he pulled the blanket up a little more before answering "Uh...yea, yeah I'm fine thank you" he sounded like he had a cold but something about that voice sounded familiar.

"Your voice is so familiar, like someone I used to be close to"

"Uhh, okay if you say so" he sniffled not sure what to say, no one ever talked to him, unless they were asking him to get out of their way.

"Would you like a warm meal?"

"Um...I mean I don't want to put you out" he stammered.

"Nah it's fine and besides you look like you need one hun" she smiles and holds out her hand "I'm Elizabeth by the way"

"Uh nice to meet you I'm uhh...Kevin" he muttered taking her hand.

She gets down by him and stares at his eyes "Omg..Kevin Crumb?"

He instantly tenses up "N, no...no...I uh..my last name is Smith" he panicked.

"Sweetheart it's alright" she looks at his confused expression "you don't remember me do you?"

"No...who the hell are you...are you here to take me back to that hospital?" he asked fearfully, he looked like a rabbit caught in headlights.

"No I'm here to take you home"

"Your trying to trick me...I won't go back there not after...I think you should go thank you for the offer but I really think you should leave" he finished the conversation putting the blanket over his head to protect him.

"May I speak to Dennis?"

"You can try but he'll give you the same answer I gave you" he told her.

"I guess I better explain who I am.. My name is Elizabeth Crumb, I'm your wife and mother of your child Bella" she tells him softly.

"What...and you expect me to buy into that?" Dennis's stern voice asked her.

Yes my darling I do.. look" she pulls out a picture of them together with Bella as a baby.

His eyebrows knitted together as he frowned at the picture "What am I doing there?" he said softly.

"Your holding your daughter when she was 3 weeks old"

He started breathing heavily "But I don't have a daughter..."

"You have 2 actually and a son" she smiles.

"What...but I don't...achoo" he sneezed loudly grimacing as he realized he didn't have anything to wipe his hands on.

She hands him a tissue and a small bottle of hand sanitizer "I always kept a bottle handy for you"

SPLIT:  Big Book Of All My OC Oneshots  Vol 2   (BF)Where stories live. Discover now