6: A Job In A New Town

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*Dennis/The Horde X My Oc Elizabeth. (Takes place right after Split where the horde moves to a new town to start new getting impure's and Dennis gets a job..)* *First meeting story*

The Horde had moved to a small town where they had settled down to start their mission after its success the first time. They were staying in an abandoned house which they had all agreed would suit their needs for somewhere to stay and also keep the impures for The Beast.

Dennis was sat down at the dining room table flicking through a newspaper trying to find a job he could do to help buy the essentials they needed to get by, he highlighted a job as a maintenance man at a high school and decided that would earn him enough to get by so he gave them a call and applied for the job.

They hired him right away saying they were just lucky to find someone that could actually fix things unlike some of the past people that worked in the same job. Dennis started that Monday. A week passes by and he's getting along rather well. He's outside mostly today, taking care of the trash cans and washing off some spray paint some of the kids did during last nights game.

Dennis sighed shaking his head as he found more spray paint to clean up, how these kids could make so much mess was beyond him. Despite all this though he did enjoy the work it was simple, kept him busy and paid well it also meant that most people left him alone while he worked which he quite enjoyed as well.

The track team was out running laps around the track, some girls faster then other's and some just had that I don't care attitude by just walking around it and talking to each other, laughing and giggling like they didn't have a worry or care in the world. They are all wearing close fitted white tee shirts and red shorts.

At least 3 girls walk past him and shouted giggling "Hey four eyes make sure you clean the gum and spit balls!"

Dennis sighed frustratedly as he watched them walk away, that was the only problem about the job.

A girl comes jogging down that side off the track closest to him, she has very dark hair in a high ponytail, fair skin and her eyes are dark blue and she's very curvy, her breasts bounce slightly as she jogs. She looks over at him and grins.

Dennis gives her a small smile before shaking his head and focusing back on the job, he had been trying so hard to be good which was difficult when he was surrounded by so many young girls all the time but so far he had done well. Naturally he still admired them from afar but that's as far as it went.

Suddenly a few minutes later, someone taps him on the shoulder.

Dennis jumps a little not expecting the contact before looking up to see who it was.

It's that girl that smiled at him. "So your the new maintenance guy huh?" she asks with a giggle.

"Uhh, yeah, yes I am" he stammers staring at her, she was beautiful.

"Well at least your attractive unlike the last dude that worked this job... Mr?" she looks at his name tag attached to his belt "Mr. Smith? If that's your real name.." she smirks.

"Of course its my real name" Dennis told her.

"Doubtful but alright..How old are you? The last guy was at least 70"

"Why do you ask?" Dennis asked curiously.

"Just wondering.."

"I'm 32 if you must know"

"I'm 18 if you like to know" she smirks.

"I figured...why are you here if you don't mind me asking"

SPLIT:  Big Book Of All My OC Oneshots  Vol 2   (BF)Where stories live. Discover now