100: My Little Maggie

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*Dennis and My Oc Little Maggie. (AU of my story 'Maggie' where what if Lil Maggie was adopted out when she was born and hasn't gone right to her father after all? ) (no sex one shot just fluff )

It had been a few years since Dennis had been with Maggie and since she'd passed away after giving birth to their daughter. He hadn't seen his daughter at all since she was adopted, he hadn't taken it well and still sometimes cried over the loss of his daughter and Maggie.

At a clothing store in town a woman has a little girl by her hand and is getting angry at her "You need to stop dragging your feet young lady or I'll give you something to cry about!" The little girl rubs at her tearful steal blue eyes.

Dennis watched them sternly, he hated seeing children crying and being shouted at it brought back bad memories of his past. He wished he could help her, his thoughts drifted off to his daughter and where she could be right now.

"Now you stay right here while I pay for these items" the lady turns away from the girl and goes to check out. The little girl starts looking at the dresses up on the wall for display, she then glances over to Dennis and gives him a tearful smile, her eyes and features, everything about her was so familiar.

Dennis smiled back at her, he stared at her intently feeling like he had seen her before she looked eerily familiar but he couldn't figure out why.

She actually walks up to him and stares up at him like he's the most fascinating thing she had ever laid eyes on "Hi" she says softly.

"Hey little one" he said softly with a smile.

"What's your name?"

"My names Dennis, what's yours?"

"Maggie Jennings"

Dennis gasped a little leaning back slightly as he looked at her intently.

The lady walks back over to her and grabs Maggie's hand pulling her backwards "I told you to stay over there didn't I? You little brat..just wait till we get home" the lady pulls Maggie away and out the store doors, Maggie looks back at him with a scared look on her pretty face.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry it was my fault for talking to her don't punish her for my mistake" he said running after her.

"Mind you're own business pedo!" she yells at him and walks off towards her car with Maggie.

Dennis stopped in his tracks when she said that trying not to break down at her words.

Maggie starts crying as they get in the lady's car and drive off.

Dennis sighed as he finished shopping and went back home still thinking about little Maggie and worrying about her safety. When he got home he took some old photos of the mother of his child and stared at them intently, after studying them for a long time he started seeing similar features she had that little Maggie also had. "Could she be my daughter?" he asked before chastising himself for thinking that, there was no way that was her, she was gone and he had to accept that.

Next day when he's walking on his lunch break, Maggie is on a swing in the park area by herself.

Dennis spotted her and walked over to a nearby bench to sit down. She has her head in her hands crying softy.

Dennis sighed walking over to her "Hey little one you okay?" he asked her softly kneeling down next to her.

She hugs him tightly, crying into his shoulder.

"Shh it's okay sweetheart its okay" he comforted her.

SPLIT:  Big Book Of All My OC Oneshots  Vol 2   (BF)Where stories live. Discover now