72: The Night She Returned

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*Dennis/The Beast X My Oc's Sirena and Elizabeth. (The night the flame came back for her title as Queen of the horde)

It was a raining night and all was quiet throughout the school building, everyone had gone home 2 hours ago leaving Dennis alone to do his work in peace.

He was just finishing up and was doing some paperwork in his office when suddenly In the corner of his eye he see's someone walk passed the doorway.

He stands up to go and investigate but couldn't see anyone "I must be getting tired" he muttered as he went to sit back down. That's when he hears the sound of music coming from down the hallway.

Dennis gets up and follows the sound of the music.

When he gets to the source in the music room someone is sitting at the piano playing it, it appears to be a young woman with a long white cotton dress and short red hair.

"Excuse me...the school is closed" he told her.

"Oh Dennis..." she whispers and gets up, turning around slowly to reveal who she is "I missed you"

Dennis gasped as he stared at her "Sirena" he whispered in shock.

"The one and only"

"But how...are you here" he stammered.

"Does it matter" she walks up to him, laying her hands on his chest.

Dennis froze at her touch, staring at her nervously.

"Your afraid of me aren't you?" she asks with a smirk.

"After the last time we met...I can't say I feel completely at ease"

"You haven't said anything about my hair" she pouts.

"What?" he asked.

"My hair is short, you haven't said anything about it"

"Yes it looks...lovely" he said nervously.

"Thanks" she smiles widely.

"How are you here Sirena?" he asked.

"I guess I never really left, stop asking so many questions"

"Sorry...it's just the last time we saw you...you were dead"

"Are you saying you want me dead?" she frowns.

"No...I, that's not what I meant" he stammered.

She suddenly grabs his bulge, squeezing it and she laughs.

He hisses as she did that.

"Aww what's wrong, huh?" she teases and grips him harder.

"Uhh, what are you doing?" he groans.

"Getting you into submission until my dominant lover comes to me and puts me into submission" she whispers and twists her hand hard around his shaft through his pants.

"Please" he whimpered.

"Please what?" she asks smirking closer to his face.

"Stop please" he begged her with a whine.

"Beg me too" she does it fast then with her nails poking him through the fabric.

"Please stop, please" he begged, trying to back away from her.

"Not until you give me what I want" she unzips his pants and slips her hand into his underwear, grabbing him directly, she pumps her fist harder around him.

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