60: Being Bullied

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*Dennis and My Oc Elizabeth & Bella (Oc Daughter )* (No Sex)*(Part of my 'Twisted dreams' series )

Dennis and Elizabeth had taken Bella to the park and she was happily playing on the swings by herself whilst her parents were talking on the blanket, when all of a sudden another kid comes along and starts bullying her.

Bella gets off the swings to go over to the sand box. She follows her to the sandbox and kicks sand in her eyes laughing cruelly.

Bella gets upset and starts to cry, rubbing at her eyes with her small fists to get the sand out.

"You look stupid" she mocks Bella.

"No I don't you big meanie pants!" Bella shouts.

She simply laughs at her poking her tongue out.

Something in Bella's being snaps and she tackles the bully to the ground and starts biting her "Ggarrrr!!" she growls.

The bully starts screaming loudly. Dennis and Elizabeth hear it and Dennis runs over hurriedly to pull Bella off of the bully, dragging her away. "Bella stop" he said through gritted teeth as she struggled in his arms she was a lot stronger than she usually was.

Bella was shouting at the other girl "You filthy impure!" she growls. Elizabeth gets wide eyed and grabs Bella from Dennis and runs to the car "Dennis we got to go!"

They ran to the car driving off home quickly.

Bella was a mess the whole car ride home squirming in Elizabeth's arms not wanting to settle down and be still, making growling noises. "I'll kill her!, I'll kill her!" she yells.

They finally got home and Dennis helped get Bella inside safely, they laid her in her bed and Dennis held her shushing her, trying to calm down. "Bella come back to us, come on sweetheart" he whispered to her, staring at Elizabeth worriedly.

Bella just stops suddenly and stares up at him "My eyes hurt.."

"It's okay baby, your okay" he told her reassuringly.

"She kicked sand in my eyes" her eyes are a little irritated looking and bloodshot.

"Oh dear, okay lets get you cleaned up yeah" he whispered.

Bella lets out a big sigh "Okay.."Elizabeth leaves to go make something for Bella to eat.

Dennis cleans her up as best as he could, he held her close to him to comfort her.

She leans over the sink and spits some blood out of her mouth, "Eww.."

Dennis stared at her sadly "Bella what happened out there?" he asked her softly, taking her little hand in his.

"She hurt my eyes with the sand and I got angry and upset and I knew she was a bad person.. so I bit her"

"Okay" he sighed "Why did you bite her baby?"

"Because...she was a bad impure and deserved it!" she gets angry again.

"Hey, hey Bella calm, be calm" he said calmly,

"I can't help it dadda..I can't" she cries.

"Come here" he says holding his arms out to her.

She walks to him, letting him hold her. Dennis holds her tightly letting her cry into his shoulders.

Bella kisses his cheek, nuzzling it "I love you dadda"

"I love you too Bella" he tells her softly.

SPLIT:  Big Book Of All My OC Oneshots  Vol 2   (BF)Where stories live. Discover now