14: The Dr. Strikes

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*Dennis/The Beast X My Oc Elizabeth. and Dr Ellie Staple (Glass)*

Elizabeth and Dennis were outside taking a walk, it had been a while since they had been outside after The Beast came back, Elizabeth felt that it was safe to go out for a while. She sees a big patch of violets growing, so she picks some "Mmm" she sighs contently, smelling them.

Dennis watches her from a distance glad to see her acting like her old self again, it had been a few stressful weeks when they thought they had lost The Beast and Elizabeth had taken the brunt of the loss so it was nice to see her happy again.

She walks up to him "These will look lovely on the table in a crystal vase, wouldn't they hun?"

He smiled at her "Yeah they will"

"I love you.." she hugs him.

"I love you too" he sighed holding her tightly, kissing her head softly "How are you doing today baby?" he asked.

"Not to bad actually, I slept better last night too"

"That's good to hear" he said relieved that she had actually slept.

"Such a nice day today.." her hair is blowing behind her in the breeze. She sways in it, taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

"Yeah it is" he smiled watching her looking so peaceful. until he heard a twig snap behind them.

She turns to see what it was and her eyes get big at the sight.

A group of armed soldiers are stood right behind them with a woman dressed like a doctor stood in the center of them. "Who the hell are you?" Dennis asked suspiciously. "Mister Crumb its an honor to meet you at last would you come with us please" she asked sweetly.

"You must be joking if you think I'm going anywhere with you" Dennis growled. "Don't be like that Mister Crumb, just come with us and we will leave Miss Morgan unharmed" she said softly.

"You won't be doing anything to her" he told her bravely. "Oh really and who's going to stop me hmm?" The doctor asked.

"Me" he says as The Beast pushed his way into the light "leave now or you will suffer severe consequences" he threatened as he eyed up the guards, the doctor just laughed before turning to her guards. "Contain him but kill the girl" she ordered as her men advanced towards them.

Elizabeth gets in front of The Beast holding him back "Leave him alone, take me instead!" she shouts at the doctor.

"How noble of you Miss Morgan" she smirked. "Elizabeth?" The Beast said softly.

Elizabeth turns to him "It's time someone protects you and the other's.. I'll be fine my love" she cups his cheek.

He looks like he's about to protest when he hears a gun being made ready to fire, he saw a guard aiming their gun at Elizabeth and made a snap decision. "No!" he yells standing in front of her embracing her so that the bullet would hit him not her.

She spins him around so her back is facing the guards and she kisses him deeply.

The gun goes off and The Beast pushes Elizabeth away, the bullet hits him and he yelps in pain as blood starts seeping out of him. "Elizabeth?" he whimpered kneeling to the floor.

"Noo!" she gets down by him holding him up "Oh baby..please..oh no.." she cries.

The Beast keeps making small whining sounds as he started feeling weaker. "I couldn't let them hurt you" he told her sadly "So much for having the skin of a rhinoceros" Doctor Staple smirked.

SPLIT:  Big Book Of All My OC Oneshots  Vol 2   (BF)Where stories live. Discover now