30. We're With You (Save Me, Part 3)

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My gaze flickered with uncertainty down towards my abdomen; I wasn't sure how my kits were affected by what I'd been through, it was traumatic enough for me to have to endure the painful experience, but if anything happened to my kits... I don't know... Kurama understood what I was trying to convey, picking up immediately on my unspoken message. "I checked you earlier before Ita and I left you a while ago. Kit, your kits are fine. Kakashi and you will have three of your own soon enough running around and making mischief." Looking over into Kakashi's beautiful eyes, I smiled in relief. "Our kits are okay, don't stress anymore today, okay?" He softly reassured me with a kiss on the cheek. " 'Kay."

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SONG/ARTIST: Fire by Wang YiBo (of UNIQ) FMV

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In the kitchen
3rd Person's P.O.V.

"Nope. Not gonna tell you. Your brother should be the one to tell you, not me." Sakura insisted, denying the Raven the knowledge he wanted. "JUST TELL ME ALREADY!!" He demanded, growling at the fact she won't tell him something she knows about HIS brother. "Ask him yourself, he's coming now."

Sasuke looked towards the hall that lead to the bedrooms and saw four silhouettes coming toward them. Itachi was piggy-backing Naruto while both Kakashi and Kurama laughed at his predicament of having to carry the rambunctious teenager, who he was joking about being the weight of a hippopotamus (or two) since he had gotten pregnant; that maybe he needed to lay off the ramen. "HEY! I'M NOT FAT - I DO NOT NEED TO STOP EATING RAMEN! YOU'RE THE PIG - RAMEN IS THE BEST EVEEERRR!" Shouted Naruto in the Crow's ears while kicking his legs in a 'giddy up' motion.

"You guys could help me here. Kakashi, he's YOUR husband-to-be! Do something like, you know, get this whale off of me so I don't collapse 'cuz he's squashed me." The elder Uchiha joked, although the idea that Itachi might actually collapse made a particular pair of golden-red eyes to become concerned, his over-protectiveness kicking in the crimson-haired male then pried the whiskered blond from Itachi's back and passed him to Kakashi before sweeping his lover off his feet with one arm under his legs and the other securely around his back. The dark haired male yelped at the suddenness of being lifted and quickly linked his hands around his lovers neck. The rowdy interactions of the quartet coming up the hall quieted the group in the kitchen momentarily - until Kiba decided to wolf-whistle at the two couples entering the dining area which got their attention.

"Yo! About time you graced us with your presence! So... Why did that idiot scream, and what's Itachi's news that Sakura won't tell us?" He asked, pointing first at Naruto then Itachi as he asked each question. Itachi's pale face flushed a brilliant shade of red, almost as pretty as his Kyuubi's hair. "Yeah I do have news, well it's our news really, and --- Shisui?"


Itachi's P.O.V.

I glanced at the group before answering, planning on making a smartass comment that would annoy my little brother because, well, that's what big brothers are for but I choked on my words as they caught in my throat when I saw a particular Uchiha. "Yeah I do have news, well it's our news really, and ---" I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me and I rubbed my hands over my eyes and dragged them down my face; the last time I'd seen Shisui I was watching as he fell from a cliff into the Naka River.

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