The pain made me do it. (not a chapter)

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We all wanna be someone's someone. I am no different. My life is shit right now, and not just because of the COVID-19 pandemic that's causing havoc all over the globe right now.

MINI UPDATE: 01.04.2020 - not an April Fool's joke.

Am going to continue because I just found out I got accepted to the #DivineAwards2020 !!! 
Starting on a new chapter because I have found more motivation to continue.

Short story long:

I was 17 years old in February 2000, as I did most other really nice days, I was riding my pushbike to work and was hit by a telecommunications van that was travelling at over 110 kilometres per hour (the posted speed limit for the road then and now is 80 km p/h), I was smashed off my pushbike and into a tree. The accident caused me to have a bruised spine, whiplash, a fractured coccyx (tailbone) and other bruises, scratches and minor injuries. I ended up having 5 weeks off work, as a trainee chef/cook at the Recreation Camp I was working for at the time.

I didn't get compensation because Work Cover said because the accident was on the road it was a Traffic Accident Commission (T.A.C.) issue, but T.A.C. claimed that because it was on the way to work it was a Work Cover issue. Either way I went 5 weeks without pay because nobody could get their shit together. It was pretty hard for my Dad & Stepmum because they then had to also pay for all my medical expenses on top of everything else.

In 2003 I had a difficult birth (first child) because he was spine-on-spine and they didn't know until he was being pulled out- it was 21 hours of torture... I was induced (foregoes any of your body's natural painkillers), I was given the "happy gas", 2 shots of pethadine, an epidural, an episiotomy (after which, they stitched me up wrong and I still have fucking issues), they also used forceps because he was spine-to-spine which is also really painful.

Since then I've had infrequent periods where I had back pains that usually lasted for a couple of days. Unfortunately this time when I got my back pains it didn't just go away after a few days. I've ended up hospitalised because of this and on some pretty serious painkillers. I am not sure how I managed to end up in this much pain but it could be from a good deed I did on the Wednesday (March 4th 2020) - yeah... No good deed goes unpunished...

THURSDAY 5th March, 2020.
Anyways....... Thursday I woke up with an aching back, I palmed it off as my usual back pain, figuring it would work itself out after a few days. Friday I woke up in a LOT of pain, on a scale of 1-10 (10 being worst) it would have been about a 12, but I got up and did my stretches, got ready for work and went in anyway. I was almost bawling from the pain and got sent home from work after 90 minutes. I could barely stand. On the Saturday, Sunday and Monday I did the same thing - I hate being unreliable so I dug out the T.E.N.S machine, put it on 14 and went in to work so I wouldn't let anyone down.

TUESDAY March 9th, 2020.
Tuesday morning came about and I couldn't move, I was in so much pain it didn't even register on the scale of 1-10. I ended up bawling my eyes out and calling a close friend of my Stepmum, begging her to come and take me to the hospital. She and her husband came over, picked me up (literally) and took me to the local Emergency Department. After the customary hours of waiting (standing up because I could not sit down at all at this point) I was called in to be seen by a Doctor. Unfortunately the Doctor only touched my spine ABOVE where my issues are and she told me "you've probably only pulled a muscle" ( WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK BITCH? ), prescribed me endone and sent me home - now, I don't know about any of you, but I KNOW that endone is not ever prescribed for someone who has just "pulled a muscle".

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