7. Broken, Undone

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AUTHOR NOTE: Thank you so much for your patience while waiting for this chapter. Due to the fires in Victoria & New South Wales, Australia, (Jan 2020) I was unable to update. Now they are more under control, I am back and can finally get this story back on the road! XXX Kells XXX

(3rd PERSON P.O.V) "So," Kakashi started, "What happens now? How can I help him Kura, I don't want to traumatise him more than he has been," "ANBU Wolf. Think of this as being a SSS mission. It will take a lifetime, if you're willing to give it. Imagine your goal is to help Naruto achieve stability, both physically and emotionally; show him he is worthy of love and treasure him, cherish him and show Kit that he is worth more than being a plaything, or a toy, or something to torture because the spiteful villagers are bored, hate-filled puke on the bottom of a plague infested, maggot-filled mound of crusty crow-shit." Kakashi gaped at the Kyuubi, unsure how to react, before deciding to take him (Kurama) on his word. Well, sort of. The shinobi felt his heart race with the thought of only treating Naruto as a mission, and it pained him to treat the person he had begun to care about as more than someone he rescued from death. "Kyuubi. Kurama. What did you mean by 'it will take a lifetime'?

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3rd Person P.O.V

Kakashi closed his eyes. 'Inhale. Exhale. Focus the breathing. Focus the mind.' Heaving a sigh that let out his remaining doubts, he says decisively, "Kurama. I know the difference between a kunai and the scroll that holds it. Tell me everything about Naruto. Everything I need to know, and the things I don't want to hear because I have to kno- no. I need to know how to help him." Kakashi had yet to realise his heart was hurting because the feelings that were growing inside him was more than just care for a stranger or somebody he knew. He believed was beginning to fall in love, and this would lead him down a precarious path which would leave more than just Naruto's life at risk. Kurama could see the thread of fate entwining both his kit, Naruto, and his kits soulmates in this lifetime, Kakashi. He could sense that with Kakashi's conviction to protect his kit, it would lessen Naruto's burdens; ultimately it would put Kakashi's life at risk. He knew he needed to fill his Kits mate in on the details, and wondered what he could not tell the ninja...

"Stay with Naru. Let me make a pot of coffee and get you some food too, you'll need it because this is going to be a really long talk," it was Kurama's turn to heave a sigh, having made the decision to tell Kakashi what he thought he needed to know, though he would answer any other questions he had without totally exposing everything about his kit to the silver-haired shinobi. He walked out of the room and closed the door quietly behind him, then leaned up against the wall - a few tears escaping his eyes before he knew it. Kurama knew this was going to be draining and he wouldn't have enough chakra to stay out of Naruto's seal for the whole conversation. The redhead closed his eyes and let the tears fall as he came to the realisation he'd have to take Kakashi into Naruto's mindscape. The last person he had tried to take into someone else's mindscape had resulted in the other person becoming comatose for almost a year, and they'd just about lost the person's soul bringing them out of the mindscape...

Admittedly it was more than 100 years ago, but the Nine-Tailed Biju was still worried.


"Kitsune no Yoko. I command you to bring that woman into my mindscape. I don't want to hear complaints, just do what I tell you! Now, GO!! Collect her and bring her here. Prepare her to come into my mind," the very angry man demanded of the fox spirit that was kneeling in front of him; under the Uchiha's command, the Kitsune no Yoko could do nothing less than obey, nothing more. The fox spirit knew he wasn't able to use enough of his chakra to guarantee complete safety of the journey to and from the Uchiha's mindscape for her mind, that the woman he wanted to bring into his mind also was not spiritually strong enough to withstand the return journey into the madman's mind.
Reluctantly, he nodded once to the enraged man in front of him; if the fox spirit was whole, he might have had a chance to disobey or repel the command given by the man with the Rinnengan and the Eternal Mangekyō. 'If the mad bastard hadn't caught me by surprise with his kekkai genkai, I wouldn't be here now - I'd be with my kits and my husband, my Shukaku... I told them I'd be back in a few hours, but it's already been over a decade.' The fox doubted he would see his beloved again, or his kits, and privately he silently wept for their loss.
- - -
"What did you do to her? You! This is all your fault! You caused this! You are the reason she's dying!!" The crimson furred fox spirit was being yelled at because the woman had gone into the mad Uchiha's mindscape alright, but after a short while had become unstable because she didn't have enough chakra to sustain her spirit in someone else's mind, out of her own body.. The fox had warned Uchiha Madara of the consequences repeatedly, though the cursed Uchiha had refused to listen every time.

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