45. Plus One, Plus One

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PREVIOUSLY: Cries were heard behind me and I moved toward my mates, when I turned, I was not surprised to see Kurama with us in the room, though I was interested to see Shukaku there as well. It didn't really surprise me since I knew about the past Shukaku and Kurama shared. Unfortunately, I also knew that their whole litter had been slaughtered, and I was not going to be the one to tell that to our Guardian- I believe he deserved to hear it from the father of his litter, and I made sure to let my Biju know I thought it was time he told Kurama about it. "Now is not the time, but I will tell Kurama. You are right that he deserves to know." I heard him quietly admit.

=== Timeskip no jutsu ===

Subaku Gaara's P.O.V.

After half a day in labour Naruto has given birth to two beautiful kits.

The first to be born is a female kit who is more fox than wolf; her colours are shades of silver and a golden blonde, crimson on her front left leg and her chest, with black speckles and stripes over her hind legs and three tails.

The second to be born is a male kit whose almost pure wolf, though he has fox colouring, and his colours are darker than his sisters; a dark silvery grey and crimson with a golden blond front left paw and streak on his chest and belly.

'Our daughters name is Aiko. Namikaze-Uzumaki-Hatake-Subaku* Aiko. Our sons name is Namikaze-Uzumaki-Hatake-Subaku Ryunosuke, or Ryu,' Naruto said tiredly through our mindlink, Naru is completely exhausted and stuck in his fox form for now, nursing their - our - first two kits. I feel a tingle in my chest when he called the kits 'ours'. I allowed a smile to cross my face.

A quiet huff from the bottom of the stairs had me turning to look, Akamaru curiously peering around the corner of the stairs.

"Naru," I called his name to get his attention after he'd finished cleaning the kits and had begun feeding them. Unmistakably blue eyes looked at me questioningly. "Can we introduce Akamaru to our kits?" His eyes widened a little in surprise, 'Yeah, he can meet our kits. I didn't expect you to ask, just do.' I guess I can still surprise my fox. "I wasn't sure how protective you would be of them since they're newborn, my love. I want you to be comfortable."

A bright smile crossed his muzzle as he huffed laughter and nuzzled his face against my arm. 'Bring him over. I'd like to introduce him properly to Kurama and Shukaku as well, or you can do it.' I placed a kiss on his forehead. "I love you Namikaze-Uzumaki-Hatake-Subaku Naruto." That earned me an embarrassed eyeroll and a much stronger nudge.

"Akamaru, come over. I'd like to introduce you formally to my family." The large hound padded silently over to us.

"You know Naruto, my fox mate, and our other mate is Kakashi, the wolf you tracked and found earlier, for which I owe you a favour and my gratitude. These are our kits, Aiko, and Ryunosuke. Please look after them when you see them around the village. Protect them like they are your own when I am not in the village as I have to return to Suna in the near future."

Akamaru softly nosed each of our kits in turn and gave each a gentle lick on the side of their face, memorising their scents. I bowed as I asked this favour of Akamaru, I knew I would be able to entrust our kits to him. He nosed my shoulder to get me to look up, when our eyes met, he nodded with a huff that sounded like 'Yes'. I bowed my head in gratitude to him before continuing introductions.

"Over on the futon in the corner are Kurama, the Nine-tailed biju who Naruto is the host of, and Shukaku, the One-tailed biju who I am the host of. If you are in a situation, you are unable to get out of, I want you to know you can call on either of them. I want to offer you a summoning contract with the raccoons and Naruto will offer you a summoning contract with foxes as well. You have aided us greatly by finding our mate in time for his life to be saved an--" I was knocked over by one of Naruto's tails and Akamaru headbutting me, both growling.

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