4. Exposed! Promises

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*** WARNING *** Mentions of violence, trauma & all the bad shit ***

I answered his questions, "Your answers are; yes I'm sure you're not annoying me. You're here because I want to protect you. I found out that you are my sensei's son and although he's not here anymore I want to protect you for him. I'm sure I can't read minds but my job means I am good at reading faces so I can usually guess. I'm an ANBU level jounin and my code-name is Wolf. I wear a mask because I want to and I don't take it off at all. I wear the hitai-ate over my eye because.. well, it's a secret why I wear it so I can't tell you right now." The smile Naruto rewarded me with as I answered his questions made the bathroom seem brighter; I was dazzled by his it for a long minute but was pulled out of my thoughts by Naruto asking if I can wash his hair for him. 'Ah, Kami, his injured shoulder will stop him doing a lot of things in the next while. I didn't think of that and I'll have to work out to get him some clothes too, the ones he had on will be used for evidence before they're burned. I promise you, Minato-sensei, I will look after Naruto and show him all the love you and Kushina weren't able to...'


3rd Person P.O.V

As Kakashi carefully washed the blood and other disgusting things out of Naruto's hair, the blonde was enjoying the feel of having someone physically close to him who didn't want to hurt him; he was still tense and a little unsure but it made him feel as if he was liked and that he maybe, just maybe, wasn't such a waste of space in this moment. The feel of Kakashi's hands on Naruto's head felt heavenly and a small moan escaped the blonde as some of the blood rushed to his groin at the sensations the long fingers in his hair were evoking; he hadn't experienced anything like this before because it was the opposite of pain, the pooling of heat in the pit of his stomach made the younger feel weird and he had to quickly cover his semi-hard erection under the water.

As the blood, semen, grime and other substances were washing off the younger male properly, Kakashi felt a protective urge flow over him like soothing oil, the overwhelming number of scars and wounds the shinobi saw inflicted on the blonde made him afraid, and wondered how to talk to the boy about them. He had a fairly accurate suspicion that Naruto was easily as smart as Minato-sensei was because he could see the intelligence behind the blonde's eyes. "Hey Naru, can I ask you a question?" "Hmm, uh, yeah K-Kashi?" The blonde stuttered, "Do you want to have a hot chocolate before we get you to bed?" "YEAH!!" Naruto yelled and the ninja flinched a little at how loud the blonde was, "Um.. Do you mind if I ask you about your scars? I mean, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it but I'd like to know one day, if you'll tell me." The blond looked stunned for a moment, then spaced out, the ANBU waved his hand in front of the blonde's vacant eyes. "Naruto? Yo. Hey. Naru? Hey, Naruto? Naruto! Yo, Blondie!" Kakashi waved a hand in front of the boy's vacant eyes, before he noticed an almost imperceptible twitch of the lips - if he hadn't been so close to the boys face he would have missed it completely.

- - - - - - - (same time) NARUTO'S MINDSCAPE NO JUTSU - - - - - - -

'HEY KURAMA!!! WAKE UP!!! KURAMA, HEY FOX-BREATH, HEY, HEY WAKE UP I NEED YOUR ADVICE!' The blond yelled in his mindscape. Kurama blinked a couple of times and growls, 'WHAT KIT!? Why'd you have to wake me up?' 'Do you think 'Kashi might actually care? Like really care and want to know about the real me? How much can I tell him Kura? He asked if he can talk to me about it one day, like, does that mean he wants me to be around more? What if he hurts me like everyone else? Kurama I know he thinks I'm only 12 but even if I tell him about the villagers should I release him from the genjutsu? Do you think he'd understand why I did it?' 'Slow down. I think Wolf may be genuine about his affections. He has never harmed you. I know he saved you as ANBU Wolf before but I don't know if it's just because he wasn't around the other times or if he really doesn't see you as me, if he can tell the difference between a katana and it's sheath.' 'Maybe Kura, but do you think I ought to trust him with our secrets?' 'Yes. Don't tell him all of it, just see if he can handle some. I also may have hinted you are sixteen but don't do anything stupid, like what you did with the Hokage that time by releasing your genjutsu and the henge at the same time. You know memory sharing will drain you and leave both of us vulnerable.' 

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